September 30, 2010
September 20, 2010
In honor of the birthday of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, feminist writer and commentator Gloria Feldt discusses Sanger’s life and work, the history of the birth-control movement, the role that birth control plays in women’s equality and empowerment, and what activists today can learn about leadership from Sanger’s organizing. This event took place at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art on September 13, 2009. Video courtesy Elizabeth A. Sackler Foundation.
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Борис Денисов
September 19, 2010
September 15, 2010
September 14 Birth Control Crusader Born
Margaret (Higgins) Sanger was born on September 14, 1879, the sixth of 11 children, in Corning, New York. Her father was a poor Irish tombstone cutter. Her mother died at the age of 48 of tuberculosis. When she was 17, Margaret came to New York. She married William Sanger, an architect; joined the Socialist Party and nursed tenants in the tenements of Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
On a hot, muggy day in July, 1912, Nurse Sanger was called to attend Sadie Sachs, 28, a mother of three who was near death from attempting to abort another child on the way. Sadie begged Sanger and the doctor to tell her what she could do to prevent having more babies. The doctor told her to tell her husband to sleep on the roof. When Sadie Sachs died three months later of another self-induced abortion, Margaret Sanger felt it was time to crusade for birth control.
Margaret traveled to birth control clinics in France and Scotland in 1913. On her return to New York she began publishing a magazine called Woman Rebel with the motto: “No Gods, No Masters.” In this issue she forecast future articles on birth control. Postal inspectors confiscated copies and Sanger was indicted for sending birth control information through the mail. She fled to Europe to give herself time to prepare her defense. When she returned to the states, she discovered she was gaining public support in her efforts. There had been no actual writings in the first issue of her magazine regarding birth control. The indictment was withdrawn by the government.
But Sanger had not seen the last of trouble with the law. On October 16, 1916, she opened the first birth control clinic in the nation at 46 Amboy St. in Brooklyn. No fewer than 150 baby-buggy-pushing women from the Brownsville area lined up to pay a 10- cent registration fee. On October 25, policemen and, to her chagrin, a policewoman raided her clinic. Sanger was charged with distributing birth control information and was imprisoned for 30 days.
Sanger was not so tied up in her cause not to have suitors, such as writer H.G. Wells and pioneer sexologist Havelock Ellis. After her divorce in 1922 from her first husband, she married millionaire maker of Three-in-One oil (used mainly on sewing machines) J. Noah H. Slee, but only after he agreed to ensure her independence and allow her to use the name Margaret Sanger. They would also occupy separate apartments in the same building. The agreement shocked conventional minds of the ’20s, but the marriage held up.
The use of contraceptives remained illegal throughout the 1920s and ’30s. Though the use of them spread, few admitted to the “crime.” Sanger campaigned futilely for the mail to be opened to birth control information and devices. In 1937 the government finally gave in, but it was not until 1965 that Connecticut became the last state to allow birth control clinics.
That crusade at last successful, Sanger decided it was time to fight to secure the freedom of the individual woman. The female, in her terms, was: “a brood animal for the masculine civilizations of the world.” In the meantime, she became a role model for many women who wanted to control their own destinies and to achieve the goal of making every child a wanted child through birth control.
Margaret Sanger died in Tucson, Arizona on September 6, 1966.
by Vernon Parker (history@brooklyneagle.net), published online 09-14-2010 brooklyneagle
Для улучшения понимания см: The black community should ask why both the Democratic Party and black leaders oppose school vouchers and support abortion.
On a hot, muggy day in July, 1912, Nurse Sanger was called to attend Sadie Sachs, 28, a mother of three who was near death from attempting to abort another child on the way. Sadie begged Sanger and the doctor to tell her what she could do to prevent having more babies. The doctor told her to tell her husband to sleep on the roof. When Sadie Sachs died three months later of another self-induced abortion, Margaret Sanger felt it was time to crusade for birth control.
Margaret traveled to birth control clinics in France and Scotland in 1913. On her return to New York she began publishing a magazine called Woman Rebel with the motto: “No Gods, No Masters.” In this issue she forecast future articles on birth control. Postal inspectors confiscated copies and Sanger was indicted for sending birth control information through the mail. She fled to Europe to give herself time to prepare her defense. When she returned to the states, she discovered she was gaining public support in her efforts. There had been no actual writings in the first issue of her magazine regarding birth control. The indictment was withdrawn by the government.
But Sanger had not seen the last of trouble with the law. On October 16, 1916, she opened the first birth control clinic in the nation at 46 Amboy St. in Brooklyn. No fewer than 150 baby-buggy-pushing women from the Brownsville area lined up to pay a 10- cent registration fee. On October 25, policemen and, to her chagrin, a policewoman raided her clinic. Sanger was charged with distributing birth control information and was imprisoned for 30 days.
Sanger was not so tied up in her cause not to have suitors, such as writer H.G. Wells and pioneer sexologist Havelock Ellis. After her divorce in 1922 from her first husband, she married millionaire maker of Three-in-One oil (used mainly on sewing machines) J. Noah H. Slee, but only after he agreed to ensure her independence and allow her to use the name Margaret Sanger. They would also occupy separate apartments in the same building. The agreement shocked conventional minds of the ’20s, but the marriage held up.
The use of contraceptives remained illegal throughout the 1920s and ’30s. Though the use of them spread, few admitted to the “crime.” Sanger campaigned futilely for the mail to be opened to birth control information and devices. In 1937 the government finally gave in, but it was not until 1965 that Connecticut became the last state to allow birth control clinics.
That crusade at last successful, Sanger decided it was time to fight to secure the freedom of the individual woman. The female, in her terms, was: “a brood animal for the masculine civilizations of the world.” In the meantime, she became a role model for many women who wanted to control their own destinies and to achieve the goal of making every child a wanted child through birth control.
Margaret Sanger died in Tucson, Arizona on September 6, 1966.
by Vernon Parker (history@brooklyneagle.net), published online 09-14-2010 brooklyneagle
Для улучшения понимания см: The black community should ask why both the Democratic Party and black leaders oppose school vouchers and support abortion.
September 13, 2010
history of contraceptives
Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland pays tribute to history of contraceptives
CLEVELAND -- Women who were desperate to prevent pregnancy took some frightful health risks, such as eating a poisonous plant called pennyroyal or douching with Lysol.
This is just one horrifying fact in a concise exhibition about the development of the birth control pill, which became available in America in 1960 and turned 50 this year.
This show, "Virtue, Vice and Contraband: A History of Contraception in America," is on permanent view at the Dittrick Medical History Center and might surprise two generations of American women.
Gen X-ers and Millennials, who were born into a world where oral contraceptives are advertised on television, may not know about the scientific and political efforts that were necessary to make the Pill so readily available.
If you go
The center, part of Case Western Reserve University, owns a major collection of contraceptive literature and devices amassed over 40 years by Percy Skuy, a Canadian executive with the company Ortho, a maker of oral contraceptives. Donated in 2004, the 800-item collection also includes prototypes.
In the 1800s, literature about childbirth and reproduction was scant. American couples eager to learn about those subjects turned to "Aristotle's Masterpiece" and Charles Knowlton's 1832 book "Fruits of Philosophy, or the Private Companion of Young Married People."
Condoms existed in America during the 1800s; their code names were "French letters," "safes" or "armour." They cost $1 when a week's pay was about $14. The French called them "redingotes," meaning "English riding coats."
A section devoted to sex during the Civil War reveals that more than 100,000 incidents of sexual misconduct resulted in courts-martial. The Union Army alone recorded 183,000 cases of venereal disease.
Alarmed by these statistics, Union Army leaders, from 1863-65, authorized government-sanctioned prostitution in Nashville and Memphis, Tenn., and hired doctors to conduct regular medical exams.
There's a good reason many Americans understood little about conception. It wasn't until 1930 that two doctors, one Japanese and the other Austrian, discovered the time of a woman's ovulation, the period when she is most fertile.
That discovery led to the "rhythm method," a natural form of birth control in which intercourse was avoided when the woman was ovulating.
During a visit to Austria in 1930, engineer Gilmore "Tilly" Tilbrook had conversations with doctors about reproductive health. He invented a precise but complicated device like the "Rythmeter."
A 1915 graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Mr. Tilbrook patented the daunting-looking device in 1944 and 1947. The inventor warned people not to use it to calculate the time of ovulation unless they had a record of a woman's previous nine menstrual cycles.
The man who tried valiantly to explain the rhythm method to Americans was Leo J. Latz, a physician, devout Catholic and author of "The Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women."
By 1942, more than 200,000 copies of his work were in print; Roman Catholic priests often gave out the pamphlet as a prize to winners of parish bingoes.
Dr. Latz believed couples could use the "rhythm method" to space the births of their children. Two years after he published his research, he was fired from his teaching job at Loyola University in 1934. Apparently, Dr. Latz was ahead of his time. In 1951, Pope Pius XII sanctioned rhythm as a natural form of birth control.
This show highlights the work of Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood and coined the phrase "birth control." Ms. Sanger worked closely with suffragist Katharine McCormick, who earned a biology degree at M.I.T. and was the heiress to a large fortune from the International Harvester Co. Mrs. McCormick bankrolled research on oral contraceptives in the 1950s. Contraception also became part of popular culture. The exhibition includes a recording by country singer Loretta Lynn, who was married at 14 and had six children. By the time the songwriter wrote and recorded her own anthem, "The Pill," in 1975, millions of women were taking oral contraceptives.
Ms. Lynn's lyrics express the freedom from repetitive childbearing that oral contraceptives gave women.
"This old maternity dress I've got is goin' in the garbage. The clothes I'm wearin' from now on won't take up so much yardage."
Sunday, September 12, 2010
By Marylynne Pitz, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
CLEVELAND -- Women who were desperate to prevent pregnancy took some frightful health risks, such as eating a poisonous plant called pennyroyal or douching with Lysol.
This is just one horrifying fact in a concise exhibition about the development of the birth control pill, which became available in America in 1960 and turned 50 this year.
This show, "Virtue, Vice and Contraband: A History of Contraception in America," is on permanent view at the Dittrick Medical History Center and might surprise two generations of American women.
Gen X-ers and Millennials, who were born into a world where oral contraceptives are advertised on television, may not know about the scientific and political efforts that were necessary to make the Pill so readily available.
If you go
The center, part of Case Western Reserve University, owns a major collection of contraceptive literature and devices amassed over 40 years by Percy Skuy, a Canadian executive with the company Ortho, a maker of oral contraceptives. Donated in 2004, the 800-item collection also includes prototypes.
In the 1800s, literature about childbirth and reproduction was scant. American couples eager to learn about those subjects turned to "Aristotle's Masterpiece" and Charles Knowlton's 1832 book "Fruits of Philosophy, or the Private Companion of Young Married People."
Condoms existed in America during the 1800s; their code names were "French letters," "safes" or "armour." They cost $1 when a week's pay was about $14. The French called them "redingotes," meaning "English riding coats."
A section devoted to sex during the Civil War reveals that more than 100,000 incidents of sexual misconduct resulted in courts-martial. The Union Army alone recorded 183,000 cases of venereal disease.
Alarmed by these statistics, Union Army leaders, from 1863-65, authorized government-sanctioned prostitution in Nashville and Memphis, Tenn., and hired doctors to conduct regular medical exams.
There's a good reason many Americans understood little about conception. It wasn't until 1930 that two doctors, one Japanese and the other Austrian, discovered the time of a woman's ovulation, the period when she is most fertile.
That discovery led to the "rhythm method," a natural form of birth control in which intercourse was avoided when the woman was ovulating.
During a visit to Austria in 1930, engineer Gilmore "Tilly" Tilbrook had conversations with doctors about reproductive health. He invented a precise but complicated device like the "Rythmeter."
A 1915 graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Mr. Tilbrook patented the daunting-looking device in 1944 and 1947. The inventor warned people not to use it to calculate the time of ovulation unless they had a record of a woman's previous nine menstrual cycles.
The man who tried valiantly to explain the rhythm method to Americans was Leo J. Latz, a physician, devout Catholic and author of "The Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women."
By 1942, more than 200,000 copies of his work were in print; Roman Catholic priests often gave out the pamphlet as a prize to winners of parish bingoes.
Dr. Latz believed couples could use the "rhythm method" to space the births of their children. Two years after he published his research, he was fired from his teaching job at Loyola University in 1934. Apparently, Dr. Latz was ahead of his time. In 1951, Pope Pius XII sanctioned rhythm as a natural form of birth control.
This show highlights the work of Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood and coined the phrase "birth control." Ms. Sanger worked closely with suffragist Katharine McCormick, who earned a biology degree at M.I.T. and was the heiress to a large fortune from the International Harvester Co. Mrs. McCormick bankrolled research on oral contraceptives in the 1950s. Contraception also became part of popular culture. The exhibition includes a recording by country singer Loretta Lynn, who was married at 14 and had six children. By the time the songwriter wrote and recorded her own anthem, "The Pill," in 1975, millions of women were taking oral contraceptives.
Ms. Lynn's lyrics express the freedom from repetitive childbearing that oral contraceptives gave women.
"This old maternity dress I've got is goin' in the garbage. The clothes I'm wearin' from now on won't take up so much yardage."
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
September 7, 2010
US historically legal abortion
In fact, abortion was legal in the U.S. up until the mid-1800s, when Victorian, Christian moralists pushed forward a national censorship campaign to rid the country of “pornography” and other sexual deviances. In 1873, the Comstock Act criminalized contraception throughout the country and Anthony Comstock himself sought to arrest Margaret Sanger decades later when she returned from Europe with “new” contraceptive methods based on practices dating back thousands of years.
...Philosophers, such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, midwives and abortionists, including Dame Trotula of Salerno and Madame Restelle, and activists, such as Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger, are memorialized through their portraits.
have a look @ 40 Days for Life
abortion timeline from 3000s BCE till Roe v Wade
статейко оказалось весьма провокативной и полезной :)
...Philosophers, such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, midwives and abortionists, including Dame Trotula of Salerno and Madame Restelle, and activists, such as Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger, are memorialized through their portraits.
have a look @ 40 Days for Life
The 40-day campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities ... and the entire world. From Noah in the flood to Moses on the mountain to the disciples after Christ's resurrection, it is clear that God sees the transformative value of His people accepting and meeting a 40-day challenge.
source: 4000 Years for Choiceabortion timeline from 3000s BCE till Roe v Wade
статейко оказалось весьма провокативной и полезной :)
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Posted by
Борис Денисов
9/6, 1966
“When the history of our civilization is written”, wrote H. G. Wells. “It will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine.” Hearing her tale for themselves, most modern women would find it difficult to disagree with Wells’ conclusion. She instigated the American Birth control movement, named her newspaper The Woman Rebel, and endured a 50-year crusade to convince the world that contraception was a basic human right. Throughout her half-century of struggle, Sanger endured constant legal harassment, prison, exile and the proclamations of political and religious leaders who denounced her as a ‘murderer’. Nevertheless, she relentlessly challenged the government, church, doctors, the press, public opinion, and even her fellow social reformists in her efforts to convince the world of the need for these most radical and liberating changes. So let us here celebrate the struggle of this World Heroine who died forty-four years ago today at the age of 86.
Sanger’s battle began in earnest in 1912 whilst working as a maternity nurse in New York City’s impoverished Lower East Side. Having already observed her own mother’s slow and painful death at the age of forty-eight, her body ruined after eighteen pregnancies, Sanger witnessed multitudes of similarly worn-out women plunged into panic and despair at the thought of a fifth or sixth pregnancy. Many resorted to self-induced abortions, often leading to death; some even chose suicide. Sanger concluded that the only way to end such perpetual misery was through the introduction of birth control. But with no one from her socialist circle willing to help champion such a radical social problem, Sanger felt compelled to act alone.
First came her series of articles called “What Every Girl Should Know”, followed by the aforementioned newspaper The Woman Rebel, in which Sanger – determined to educate these desperate women – blatantly defied federal laws against supplying contraceptive information. In October 1916, Sanger and her sister opened America’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn. But within ten days, the clinic was shut down and the sisters arrested and sentenced to thirty days in prison. Despite continuing legal harassment, however, Sanger indefatigably continued her campaign to educate women and lobby for legislative change. Forming the American Birth Control League in 1921, Sanger kept up the momentum until, at long last, public opinion began to turn in her favour. And by the 1940s, the birth control movement had won the acceptance of the medical profession. Legal change, however, was painfully slow to follow. And it was not until 1972 that all unmarried women in America were guaranteed the right to use contraceptives – a benchmark every bit as significant and momentous as the right to vote. For, as Margaret Sanger herself said, “No woman can call herself free until she can consciously choose whether she will or will not be a mother.”
Sanger’s battle began in earnest in 1912 whilst working as a maternity nurse in New York City’s impoverished Lower East Side. Having already observed her own mother’s slow and painful death at the age of forty-eight, her body ruined after eighteen pregnancies, Sanger witnessed multitudes of similarly worn-out women plunged into panic and despair at the thought of a fifth or sixth pregnancy. Many resorted to self-induced abortions, often leading to death; some even chose suicide. Sanger concluded that the only way to end such perpetual misery was through the introduction of birth control. But with no one from her socialist circle willing to help champion such a radical social problem, Sanger felt compelled to act alone.
First came her series of articles called “What Every Girl Should Know”, followed by the aforementioned newspaper The Woman Rebel, in which Sanger – determined to educate these desperate women – blatantly defied federal laws against supplying contraceptive information. In October 1916, Sanger and her sister opened America’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn. But within ten days, the clinic was shut down and the sisters arrested and sentenced to thirty days in prison. Despite continuing legal harassment, however, Sanger indefatigably continued her campaign to educate women and lobby for legislative change. Forming the American Birth Control League in 1921, Sanger kept up the momentum until, at long last, public opinion began to turn in her favour. And by the 1940s, the birth control movement had won the acceptance of the medical profession. Legal change, however, was painfully slow to follow. And it was not until 1972 that all unmarried women in America were guaranteed the right to use contraceptives – a benchmark every bit as significant and momentous as the right to vote. For, as Margaret Sanger herself said, “No woman can call herself free until she can consciously choose whether she will or will not be a mother.”
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
Labor Day
For the labor side there were Eugene V. Debs, John L. Lewis, Walter Reuther, and others. Their only weapons were courage and right. Opposing generals, super-rich industrialists, had names like Vanderbilt, Duke, and Gould, and were backed by armed federal troops, marshals and local police.
There were female generals in this war, too, fighting against the forces that would keep them subservient and dependent on men. Margaret Sanger was one, and Jane Addams, and from my hometown of Cleburne, Lucy Ella Gonzales Parsons, whose husband Albert Parsons was one of the "usual suspects" hanged for their alleged participation in Chicago's infamous Haymarket Affair.
Labor Day began September 6, 1894, to honor workers with a paid holiday to march in their parades. This is what President Grover Cleveland said. But a few months earlier, he had used the military to break the Pullman sleeping car strike, in which a number of strikers were killed. So what Labor Day effectively commemorates, Dr. Feldman told us many years ago, is the government's continuing willingness to support the plutocracy in its use of others in any way it sees fit to do the work, as cheaply as possible, work that it is unwilling, and unable, to do itself.
Tom Dodge is a writer from Midlothian.
There were female generals in this war, too, fighting against the forces that would keep them subservient and dependent on men. Margaret Sanger was one, and Jane Addams, and from my hometown of Cleburne, Lucy Ella Gonzales Parsons, whose husband Albert Parsons was one of the "usual suspects" hanged for their alleged participation in Chicago's infamous Haymarket Affair.
Labor Day began September 6, 1894, to honor workers with a paid holiday to march in their parades. This is what President Grover Cleveland said. But a few months earlier, he had used the military to break the Pullman sleeping car strike, in which a number of strikers were killed. So what Labor Day effectively commemorates, Dr. Feldman told us many years ago, is the government's continuing willingness to support the plutocracy in its use of others in any way it sees fit to do the work, as cheaply as possible, work that it is unwilling, and unable, to do itself.
Tom Dodge is a writer from Midlothian.
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Борис Денисов
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