May 31, 2010
May 30, 2010
Religion is for control
I will burn in hell with John Lennon, Galileo, Mark Twain, Helen Keller, Joseph Campbell, Hepatica, Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, Alice Paul, Margaret Sanger, Clarence Darrow, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. I’m in good company.
Get to know the pill
Match the numbered question in pink to its corresponding lettered answer in blue
For the answers, scroll down.
1. True or false: Women who take the pill are more likely to die prematurely.
2. Which of the following items have been used for contraception: a) crocodile dung; b) frankincense oil; c) a lemon; d) sheep intestines; e) all of them.
3. What percent of women ages 15 to 44 currently use the pill a) 19 percent; b) 33 percent; c) 52 percent
4. What percentage of women of childbearing age have ever taken the pill? a) 33 percent; b) 52 percent; c) 80 percent
5. Who coined the phrase "birth control" in 1914?
6. How many children did the average American woman have in 1800?
7. Until recently, which decade did the United States experience its highest rate of childlessness? a) 1900s; b) 1940s; c) 1960s
8. How effective is the pill? a) 50 percent b) 80 percent; c) 92 percent
9. What musician was so thrilled with the invention of the pill that she wrote a song about it in 1975? a) Loretta Lynn; b) Carole King; c) Dolly
10. True or false: In 1960, the pill became available to all women.
11. True or false: The pill can decrease the likelihood that a woman will have a stroke.
12. True or false: Women on the pill have a higher likelihood of developing a sexual dysfunction.
13. What are the two hormones commonly found in the pill?
14. How does the morning-after pill work?
A. False. Less likely to die prematurely
B. E. All have been used for contraception.
C: A. 19 percent
D. C. 80 percent
E. Margaret Sanger
F. Seven
G. A. The 1900s
H. C. 92 percent
I. A. Loretta Lynn
J. False. It was illegal in some states and Planned Parenthood required women to be married.
K. False. There is an increased risk.
L. True.
M. Progestin and Estrogen
N. It contains hormones similar to those in the regular pill but in higher doses.
1. False. Women who take the pill are less likely to die prematurely from any cause, including heart disease and cancer. (1)
2. All have been used for contraception. Ancient Egyptians created a paste from the dung to be used as a vaginal insert; frankincense oil was used as a spermicide, per Aristotle’s suggestion; Casanova used a half a lemon as a cervical cap; Dr. Condom is often credited with creating the first condom, from sheep intestines, for King Charles II of England. (1)
3. A. Nineteen percent of women ages 15 to 44 are currently on the pill. (2)
4. C. Eighty percent of women have taken the pill. (3)
5. Margaret Sanger coined the term. She also founded the Birth Control League in 1942, a group that eventually changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (1)
6. The average American woman had seven children in 1800. (3)
7. A. The 1900s, due to a combination of contraception, abortion, not having sex and late or no marriage. (3)
8. C. The pill is 92 percent effective. (1)
9. A. Loretta Lynn’s “The Pill” celebrated the new birth control method. (3)
10. False. After the FDA approved the pill, it was still illegal in some states to prescribe it to single women. Planned Parenthood, too, required that women be married to get the pill. (1)
11. False. The pill increases the likelihood that a woman will have a stroke, although the increase is small in healthy women. It is not recommended that women who have had a stroke, blood clots, a heart attack, vein inflammation and high blood pressure take the pill. (2)
12. True. Thirty-three percent of women studied were at risk for a sexual problem, and 87 percent of those women had used contraception over the last half year. Those in the highest risk group were the women on oral hormonal birth control. (4)
13. The pill includes progestin, which keeps sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, and estrogen, which keeps the ovaries from releasing eggs. (5)
14. After unprotected sex, a woman takes the “morning-after” pill, which contains hormones similar to those in the regular pill but in higher doses. Because conception rarely occurs immediately after intercourse, there is time for the progestin and estrogen to work. If a pregnancy has already occurred, the morning-after pill will not affect the pregnancy. (5)
Sources: Time (1), Planned Parenthood (2), The Washington Post (3) National Institutes of Health (4) (5) взято отсюда
For the answers, scroll down.
1. True or false: Women who take the pill are more likely to die prematurely.
2. Which of the following items have been used for contraception: a) crocodile dung; b) frankincense oil; c) a lemon; d) sheep intestines; e) all of them.
3. What percent of women ages 15 to 44 currently use the pill a) 19 percent; b) 33 percent; c) 52 percent
4. What percentage of women of childbearing age have ever taken the pill? a) 33 percent; b) 52 percent; c) 80 percent
5. Who coined the phrase "birth control" in 1914?
6. How many children did the average American woman have in 1800?
7. Until recently, which decade did the United States experience its highest rate of childlessness? a) 1900s; b) 1940s; c) 1960s
8. How effective is the pill? a) 50 percent b) 80 percent; c) 92 percent
9. What musician was so thrilled with the invention of the pill that she wrote a song about it in 1975? a) Loretta Lynn; b) Carole King; c) Dolly
10. True or false: In 1960, the pill became available to all women.
11. True or false: The pill can decrease the likelihood that a woman will have a stroke.
12. True or false: Women on the pill have a higher likelihood of developing a sexual dysfunction.
13. What are the two hormones commonly found in the pill?
14. How does the morning-after pill work?
A. False. Less likely to die prematurely
B. E. All have been used for contraception.
C: A. 19 percent
D. C. 80 percent
E. Margaret Sanger
F. Seven
G. A. The 1900s
H. C. 92 percent
I. A. Loretta Lynn
J. False. It was illegal in some states and Planned Parenthood required women to be married.
K. False. There is an increased risk.
L. True.
M. Progestin and Estrogen
N. It contains hormones similar to those in the regular pill but in higher doses.
1. False. Women who take the pill are less likely to die prematurely from any cause, including heart disease and cancer. (1)
2. All have been used for contraception. Ancient Egyptians created a paste from the dung to be used as a vaginal insert; frankincense oil was used as a spermicide, per Aristotle’s suggestion; Casanova used a half a lemon as a cervical cap; Dr. Condom is often credited with creating the first condom, from sheep intestines, for King Charles II of England. (1)
3. A. Nineteen percent of women ages 15 to 44 are currently on the pill. (2)
4. C. Eighty percent of women have taken the pill. (3)
5. Margaret Sanger coined the term. She also founded the Birth Control League in 1942, a group that eventually changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (1)
6. The average American woman had seven children in 1800. (3)
7. A. The 1900s, due to a combination of contraception, abortion, not having sex and late or no marriage. (3)
8. C. The pill is 92 percent effective. (1)
9. A. Loretta Lynn’s “The Pill” celebrated the new birth control method. (3)
10. False. After the FDA approved the pill, it was still illegal in some states to prescribe it to single women. Planned Parenthood, too, required that women be married to get the pill. (1)
11. False. The pill increases the likelihood that a woman will have a stroke, although the increase is small in healthy women. It is not recommended that women who have had a stroke, blood clots, a heart attack, vein inflammation and high blood pressure take the pill. (2)
12. True. Thirty-three percent of women studied were at risk for a sexual problem, and 87 percent of those women had used contraception over the last half year. Those in the highest risk group were the women on oral hormonal birth control. (4)
13. The pill includes progestin, which keeps sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, and estrogen, which keeps the ovaries from releasing eggs. (5)
14. After unprotected sex, a woman takes the “morning-after” pill, which contains hormones similar to those in the regular pill but in higher doses. Because conception rarely occurs immediately after intercourse, there is time for the progestin and estrogen to work. If a pregnancy has already occurred, the morning-after pill will not affect the pregnancy. (5)
Sources: Time (1), Planned Parenthood (2), The Washington Post (3) National Institutes of Health (4) (5) взято отсюда
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 24, 2010
by John Simkin
Не знаю: делать или нет отдельный блог про Стоупс?
I am sorry you did not like my pages on Marie Stopes and Margaret Sanger. It is true that I admire both women. This is because of they spent their life campaigning for equal rights for women. Both are known for their fight to make sure that reliable contraceptive information was available to women. Sanger became involved in the campaign while working as a public health nurse in the slums of New York.
In 1921 Sanger established America's first birth-control clinic. The clinic in Brooklyn was closed by the police and Sanger was imprisoned for 30 days.
Marie Stopes was influenced by Sanger’s work and she also opened the first of her birth-control clinics in Holloway, North London in 1921. Unlike Sanger she was not prosecuted. However, two of her friends, Guy and Rose Aldred, who published a pamphlet written by Margaret Sanger, were found guilty of selling an obscene publication.
I believe both women contributed a great deal to reducing the suffering of women. Although, I admit that did severely damage the credibility of the Roman Catholic Church.
Sanger and Stopes were not single issue political figures. Both were involved in a whole range of campaigns to improve the quality of life of women. They got most of these issues right. However, as you point out they were both involved with the Eugenics movement. You fail to point out what these two women meant by this. At the time Eugenics meant the study of improving hereditary qualities by socially controlling human reproduction. It was something that was believed in by a great number of progressive thinkers during the 1920s and '30s, when treatments for many hereditary and disabling conditions were unknown.
For example, why have you only concentrated on these two women. What about people like H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw who were also supporters of this movement? I have not mentioned they supported Eugenics in the 1920s on their web pages. Nor did I mention it on my pages on Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis, two great men who supported Eugenics in the 1920s.
It is a common trick of those opposed to birth control and the liberation of women to associate these women with the views of Adolf Hitler. It might interest you to know that Sanger's books were among the very first burned by the Nazis. He was opposed to both her socialism and her belief in birth control.
Hitler’s views on Eugenics was very different from those of Sanger and Stopes. This is what Sanger has to say about this in The Birth Control Review of February 1919:
Eugenists imply or insist that a woman's first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother.
Sanger and Stopes always believed that reproductive decisions should be made on an individual and not a social or cultural basis, and she consistently repudiated any racial application of eugenics principles. For example, Sanger vocally opposed the racial stereotyping that effected passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, on the grounds that intelligence and other inherited traits vary by individual and not by group.
I am sorry you did not like my pages on Marie Stopes and Margaret Sanger. It is true that I admire both women. This is because of they spent their life campaigning for equal rights for women. Both are known for their fight to make sure that reliable contraceptive information was available to women. Sanger became involved in the campaign while working as a public health nurse in the slums of New York.
In 1921 Sanger established America's first birth-control clinic. The clinic in Brooklyn was closed by the police and Sanger was imprisoned for 30 days.
Marie Stopes was influenced by Sanger’s work and she also opened the first of her birth-control clinics in Holloway, North London in 1921. Unlike Sanger she was not prosecuted. However, two of her friends, Guy and Rose Aldred, who published a pamphlet written by Margaret Sanger, were found guilty of selling an obscene publication.
I believe both women contributed a great deal to reducing the suffering of women. Although, I admit that did severely damage the credibility of the Roman Catholic Church.
Sanger and Stopes were not single issue political figures. Both were involved in a whole range of campaigns to improve the quality of life of women. They got most of these issues right. However, as you point out they were both involved with the Eugenics movement. You fail to point out what these two women meant by this. At the time Eugenics meant the study of improving hereditary qualities by socially controlling human reproduction. It was something that was believed in by a great number of progressive thinkers during the 1920s and '30s, when treatments for many hereditary and disabling conditions were unknown.
For example, why have you only concentrated on these two women. What about people like H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw who were also supporters of this movement? I have not mentioned they supported Eugenics in the 1920s on their web pages. Nor did I mention it on my pages on Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis, two great men who supported Eugenics in the 1920s.
It is a common trick of those opposed to birth control and the liberation of women to associate these women with the views of Adolf Hitler. It might interest you to know that Sanger's books were among the very first burned by the Nazis. He was opposed to both her socialism and her belief in birth control.
Hitler’s views on Eugenics was very different from those of Sanger and Stopes. This is what Sanger has to say about this in The Birth Control Review of February 1919:
Eugenists imply or insist that a woman's first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother.
Sanger and Stopes always believed that reproductive decisions should be made on an individual and not a social or cultural basis, and she consistently repudiated any racial application of eugenics principles. For example, Sanger vocally opposed the racial stereotyping that effected passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, on the grounds that intelligence and other inherited traits vary by individual and not by group.
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 23, 2010
at the request of a woman
I invented the pill at the request of a woman.”‘That woman, it turns out, was birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger, who for decades had been searching for a pregnancy prevention pill. (Pincus)
имхо: так рождаются легенды :)
”Margaret Sanger approached Dr. Pincus at a Manhattan dinner party, and she was very taken with him,” said Thoru Pederson, a University of Massachusetts Medical School professor who headed the Worcester Foundation from 1985 to 1997.
Ms. Sanger convinced the aging mrs. McCormick, who had married into a wealthy Chicago family, to come to Shrewsbury in 1953 to meet with Dr. Pincus and his colleague and foundation co-founder, Hudson Hoagland, whom he met while both were students and researchers at Harvard University. They eventually left Harvard for Clark University in Worcester before starting the foundation.
“Pincus had no interest in contraception prevention. he was studying fertility. but he was convinced by Sanger and McCormick that it was important,” he said.
“It is ironic to me that although the pill was invented in Worcester, and Massachusetts is always thought of as forward thinking, it was the last state to approve the pill for married women (1966) and for unmarried women, in 1972,” she (Dianne Luby, president and chief executive officer of the planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts) said.
Amy G. Richter, a history professor at Clark University, said white middle-class women of the 19th century had more control over their fertility than lower-class and minority women of the 20th century.
“Middle-class women were perceived to be morally superior. They could say no to sex; abstain, and track their cycles,” she said. In addition, Ms. Richter said, middle-class women had more access to abortions.
“It’s impossible to say the pill did not change society in a variety of ways,” Ms. Richter said. “It was so reliable. it was transformative at so many layers, not in just controlling fertility, but by putting that control into the hands of women.”
Mrs. McCormick, who was one of the first women to earn a science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1904, made an initial $20,000 donation to the Worcester Foundation, Mr. Pederson said, but held off on a second identical amount until she studied their work herself.
“Mrs. McCormick was very knowledgeable about science. she required Pincus to write out all his work and his research plans, which she reviewed and edited,” he said.
“She was very involved in the research progress; she wrote to Pincus every week,” he said. “She deserves a lot of credit.”
excerpts from here
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имхо: так рождаются легенды :)
”Margaret Sanger approached Dr. Pincus at a Manhattan dinner party, and she was very taken with him,” said Thoru Pederson, a University of Massachusetts Medical School professor who headed the Worcester Foundation from 1985 to 1997.
Ms. Sanger convinced the aging mrs. McCormick, who had married into a wealthy Chicago family, to come to Shrewsbury in 1953 to meet with Dr. Pincus and his colleague and foundation co-founder, Hudson Hoagland, whom he met while both were students and researchers at Harvard University. They eventually left Harvard for Clark University in Worcester before starting the foundation.
“Pincus had no interest in contraception prevention. he was studying fertility. but he was convinced by Sanger and McCormick that it was important,” he said.
“It is ironic to me that although the pill was invented in Worcester, and Massachusetts is always thought of as forward thinking, it was the last state to approve the pill for married women (1966) and for unmarried women, in 1972,” she (Dianne Luby, president and chief executive officer of the planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts) said.
Amy G. Richter, a history professor at Clark University, said white middle-class women of the 19th century had more control over their fertility than lower-class and minority women of the 20th century.
“Middle-class women were perceived to be morally superior. They could say no to sex; abstain, and track their cycles,” she said. In addition, Ms. Richter said, middle-class women had more access to abortions.
“It’s impossible to say the pill did not change society in a variety of ways,” Ms. Richter said. “It was so reliable. it was transformative at so many layers, not in just controlling fertility, but by putting that control into the hands of women.”
Mrs. McCormick, who was one of the first women to earn a science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1904, made an initial $20,000 donation to the Worcester Foundation, Mr. Pederson said, but held off on a second identical amount until she studied their work herself.
“Mrs. McCormick was very knowledgeable about science. she required Pincus to write out all his work and his research plans, which she reviewed and edited,” he said.
“She was very involved in the research progress; she wrote to Pincus every week,” he said. “She deserves a lot of credit.”
excerpts from here
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про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
VOA Special English: Birth Control Pill Sparked Contraceptive Revolution
In the post-World War II baby boom era, the impetus for promoting an oral contraceptive for women did not come from drug companies or the government. University of Minnesota historian Elaine Tyler May says it came from the vision of two women: Margaret Sanger and Katharine McCormick.
"Sanger had the political savvy, experience and connections while Katharine McCormick had the money," she says.
Sanger and McCormick felt the female contraceptive could emancipate women.
May says the team they worked with to make that happen attached other far-reaching utopian dreams to the project. The most idealistic hopes attached to the Pill were that it would solve the problem of overpopulation, and poverty; that domestically, it would create happy families because married couples could enjoy sex without fears of unwanted pregnancy; that single women wouldn't have babies anymore because they could prevent it until they were married.
listen MP3
"Sanger had the political savvy, experience and connections while Katharine McCormick had the money," she says.
Sanger and McCormick felt the female contraceptive could emancipate women.
May says the team they worked with to make that happen attached other far-reaching utopian dreams to the project. The most idealistic hopes attached to the Pill were that it would solve the problem of overpopulation, and poverty; that domestically, it would create happy families because married couples could enjoy sex without fears of unwanted pregnancy; that single women wouldn't have babies anymore because they could prevent it until they were married.
listen MP3
Джон Дэйвисон Рокфеллер, младший
John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. родился 29 января 1879 года в Кливленде, Огайо в семье Джон Д. Рокфеллера, старшего (John D. Rockefeller, Sr., 1839–1937) и его жены Лоры Селестии Спелман (Laura Celestia Spelman, 1839–1915). Всего у них было 5 детей, но Рокфеллер, младший был единственным сыном (последним ребёнком) Рокфеллера, старшего, миллиардера, создателя Стандарт Ойл (настойчивого, по всей видимости, человека); младший родил 5 сыновей и одну дочь -- семья или клан Рокфеллеров очень известны, во-первых, огромным богатством, во-вторых, не менее огромными средствами, потраченными на благотворительность. В частности, на финансирование исследований в различных областях и, как теперь говорят, неправительственных организаций и гражданского общества
умер 11 мая 1960 года в Тусоне, Невада (поскольку ездил в город-герой Минск планы персоналий у меня сбились, но ничего страшного -- правда завсегда победит)
Джонни Рок (студ. кличка) думал поступить в Йёль, но в конце концов выбрал баптиский (по сопсной принадлежности) университет Браун (Род Айленд, отличное место btw, думал, что еврейское). Надо думать, что был он не простым абитуриентом, и конкурс держала другая сторона (конкурс университетов на детей Абрамовича у нас (видимо всё-тки не у нас) ещё впереди:). В университете он прослушал несколько религиозных курсов и несколько курсов по социальным наукам, между прочим, по Das Kapitalу небызвестного Карла Маркса. После окончания университета (23 года) стал директором Стандарт Ойл, позднее стал также директором организованной в 1901 J. P. Morgan's U.S. Steel company. В 1910 уволился с этих постов после скандала со взятками и переключился на филантропию.
После бойни в Людлоу (подавление выступления шахтёров оказало огромное влияние на всю его жизнь и деятельность) Рокфеллер, мл. давал показания комиссии по промышленным отношениям, которые изменили отношение к семье в целом, она перешла из населённого разряда кровожадных акул империализма в малочисленное сообщество белых и пушистых спонсоров политкорректных мероприятий и институтов. Это время родидо и public relations (наш любимый пеар). Во время депрессии он приобрёл большой участок земли в центре Манхэттена, куда привлёк солидных арандаторов: GE and its then affiliates RCA, NBC and RKO, as well as Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), and Associated Press and Time Inc, as well as branches of the then Chase National Bank, now JP Morgan Chase. Как и старший младший нажил много миллиардов, но имя сделал на расходовании этих мегабаксов, такова трудная рокфеллеровская судьба.
В 1913 году дал денег на Bureau of Social Hygiene, которое стало заниматься проституцией и венерическими болезнями. В 1918 году он учредил Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, который потом стал Rockefeller Foundation -- это видимо крупнейший донор в истории. Он финансировал лигу наций и даже поначалу тайком Маргрет Сэнгер, а потом и явным образом под воздействием жоны (возможно и жоны президента Ф. Рузвельта -- Элеоноры). В 1932 году написал письмо Н. М. Батлеру, которое было опубликовано Нью-Йорк Таймс, в этом письме аргументировал против запрета принесения и распития алкоголя (18 поправка в конституцию пиндостана), мол запрет плодит криминал итыды -- с ним трудно не согласиться. Интересно, что некоторые страны повторили идиотию 18 попъ рафьки, идя своим за гад ошым Путём и не учившись чюжому горькаму опыту.
В 1936 году был награждён орденом почётного легиона за восстановление Франции из руин первой мировой. В 1946 году купил в Нью-Йорке участок земли, который передал ООН, теперь там секретариат этой ненужной организации. Организовал много национальных парков в США и способствовал сохранению памятников мировой культуры.
кто найдёт, может почитать:
Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. New York: Warner Books, 1998.
умер 11 мая 1960 года в Тусоне, Невада (поскольку ездил в город-герой Минск планы персоналий у меня сбились, но ничего страшного -- правда завсегда победит)
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После бойни в Людлоу (подавление выступления шахтёров оказало огромное влияние на всю его жизнь и деятельность) Рокфеллер, мл. давал показания комиссии по промышленным отношениям, которые изменили отношение к семье в целом, она перешла из населённого разряда кровожадных акул империализма в малочисленное сообщество белых и пушистых спонсоров политкорректных мероприятий и институтов. Это время родидо и public relations (наш любимый пеар). Во время депрессии он приобрёл большой участок земли в центре Манхэттена, куда привлёк солидных арандаторов: GE and its then affiliates RCA, NBC and RKO, as well as Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), and Associated Press and Time Inc, as well as branches of the then Chase National Bank, now JP Morgan Chase. Как и старший младший нажил много миллиардов, но имя сделал на расходовании этих мегабаксов, такова трудная рокфеллеровская судьба.
В 1913 году дал денег на Bureau of Social Hygiene, которое стало заниматься проституцией и венерическими болезнями. В 1918 году он учредил Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, который потом стал Rockefeller Foundation -- это видимо крупнейший донор в истории. Он финансировал лигу наций и даже поначалу тайком Маргрет Сэнгер, а потом и явным образом под воздействием жоны (возможно и жоны президента Ф. Рузвельта -- Элеоноры). В 1932 году написал письмо Н. М. Батлеру, которое было опубликовано Нью-Йорк Таймс, в этом письме аргументировал против запрета принесения и распития алкоголя (18 поправка в конституцию пиндостана), мол запрет плодит криминал итыды -- с ним трудно не согласиться. Интересно, что некоторые страны повторили идиотию 18 попъ рафьки, идя своим за гад ошым Путём и не учившись чюжому горькаму опыту.
В 1936 году был награждён орденом почётного легиона за восстановление Франции из руин первой мировой. В 1946 году купил в Нью-Йорке участок земли, который передал ООН, теперь там секретариат этой ненужной организации. Организовал много национальных парков в США и способствовал сохранению памятников мировой культуры.
кто найдёт, может почитать:
Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. New York: Warner Books, 1998.
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 22, 2010
Time of Social Revolution and Unrest
The 1960s began with the election of the first president born in the twentieth century -- John Kennedy. For many Americans, the young president was the symbol of a spirit of hope for the nation.
Rock-and-roll music had become very popular in America in the 1950s. Some people, however, did not approve of it. They thought it was too sexual. These people disliked the rock-and-roll of the 1960s even more. They found the words especially unpleasant.
The musicians themselves thought the words were extremely important. As singer and song writer Bob Dylan said, "There would be no music without the words," Bob Dylan produced many songs of social protest. He wrote anti-war songs before the war in Vietnam became a violent issue. One was called Blowin' in the Wind.
In addition to songs of social protest, rock-and-roll music continued to be popular in America during the 1960s. The most popular group, however, was not American. It was British -- the Beatles -- four rock-and-roll musicians from Liverpool.
That was the Beatles' song I Want to Hold Your Hand. It went on sale in the United States at the end of 1963. Within five weeks, it was the biggest-selling record in America.
Other songs, including some by the Beatles, sounded more revolutionary. They spoke about drugs and sex, although not always openly. "Do your own thing" became a common expression. It meant to do whatever you wanted, without feeling guilty.
In 1967, poet Allen Ginsberg helped lead a gathering of hippies in San Francisco. No one knows exactly how many people considered themselves hippies. But twenty thousand attended the gathering.
Another leader of the event was Timothy Leary. He was a former university professor and researcher. Leary urged the crowd in San Francisco to "tune in and drop out". This meant they should use drugs and leave school or their job. One drug that was used in the 1960s was lysergic acid diethylamide, or L-S-D. L-S-D causes the brain to see strange, colorful images. It also can cause brain damage. Some people say the Beatles' song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about L-S-D.
Many Americans refused to tune in and drop out in the 1960s. They took no part in the social revolution. Instead, they continued leading normal lives of work, family, and home. Others, the activists of American society, were busy fighting for peace, and racial and social justice. Women's groups, for example, were seeking equality with men. They wanted the same chances as men to get a good education and a good job. They also demanded equal pay for equal work.
A widely popular book on women in modern America was called The Feminine Mystique. It was written by Betty Friedan and published in 1963. The idea known as the feminine mystique was the traditional idea that women have only one part to play in society. They are to have children and stay at home to raise them. In her book, Mizz Friedan urged women to establish professional lives of their own.
Rock-and-roll music had become very popular in America in the 1950s. Some people, however, did not approve of it. They thought it was too sexual. These people disliked the rock-and-roll of the 1960s even more. They found the words especially unpleasant.
The musicians themselves thought the words were extremely important. As singer and song writer Bob Dylan said, "There would be no music without the words," Bob Dylan produced many songs of social protest. He wrote anti-war songs before the war in Vietnam became a violent issue. One was called Blowin' in the Wind.
In addition to songs of social protest, rock-and-roll music continued to be popular in America during the 1960s. The most popular group, however, was not American. It was British -- the Beatles -- four rock-and-roll musicians from Liverpool.
That was the Beatles' song I Want to Hold Your Hand. It went on sale in the United States at the end of 1963. Within five weeks, it was the biggest-selling record in America.
Other songs, including some by the Beatles, sounded more revolutionary. They spoke about drugs and sex, although not always openly. "Do your own thing" became a common expression. It meant to do whatever you wanted, without feeling guilty.
In 1967, poet Allen Ginsberg helped lead a gathering of hippies in San Francisco. No one knows exactly how many people considered themselves hippies. But twenty thousand attended the gathering.
Another leader of the event was Timothy Leary. He was a former university professor and researcher. Leary urged the crowd in San Francisco to "tune in and drop out". This meant they should use drugs and leave school or their job. One drug that was used in the 1960s was lysergic acid diethylamide, or L-S-D. L-S-D causes the brain to see strange, colorful images. It also can cause brain damage. Some people say the Beatles' song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about L-S-D.
Many Americans refused to tune in and drop out in the 1960s. They took no part in the social revolution. Instead, they continued leading normal lives of work, family, and home. Others, the activists of American society, were busy fighting for peace, and racial and social justice. Women's groups, for example, were seeking equality with men. They wanted the same chances as men to get a good education and a good job. They also demanded equal pay for equal work.
A widely popular book on women in modern America was called The Feminine Mystique. It was written by Betty Friedan and published in 1963. The idea known as the feminine mystique was the traditional idea that women have only one part to play in society. They are to have children and stay at home to raise them. In her book, Mizz Friedan urged women to establish professional lives of their own.
Red Scare
Twenty-eight states passed laws making it a crime to wave red flags.
Feelings of fear and suspicion extended to other parts of American life. Many persons and groups were accused of supporting communism. Such famous Americans as actor Charlie Chaplin, educator John Dewey, and law professor Felix Frankfurter were among those accused.
The Red Scare caused many innocent people to be afraid to express their ideas. They feared they might be accused of being a communist.
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Feelings of fear and suspicion extended to other parts of American life. Many persons and groups were accused of supporting communism. Such famous Americans as actor Charlie Chaplin, educator John Dewey, and law professor Felix Frankfurter were among those accused.
The Red Scare caused many innocent people to be afraid to express their ideas. They feared they might be accused of being a communist.
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VOA Special English
Margaret Sanger, 1883-1966: She Led the Fight for Birth Control for Women
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I’m Shirley Griffith. And I’m Sarah Long with the VOA Special English Program, PEOPLE IN AMERICA. Today, we tell about one of the leaders of the birth control movement, Margaret Sanger.
Many women today have the freedom to decide when they will have children, if they want them. Until about fifty years ago, women spent most of their adult lives having children, year after year. This changed because of efforts by activists like Margaret Sanger. She believed that a safe and sure method of preventing pregnancy was a necessary condition for women’s freedom. She also believed birth control was necessary for human progress.
Margaret Sanger was considered a rebel in the early nineteen hundreds.
The woman who changed other women’s lives was born in eighteen eighty-three in the eastern state of New York. Her parents were Michael and Anne Higgins.
Margaret wrote several books about her life. She wrote that her father taught her to question everything. She said he taught her to be an independent thinker.
Margaret said that watching her mother suffer from having too many children made her feel strongly about birth control. Her mother died at forty-eight years of age after eighteen pregnancies. She was always tired and sick. Margaret had to care for her mother and her ten surviving brothers and sisters. This experience led her to become a nurse.
Margaret Higgins worked in the poor areas of New York City. Most people there had recently arrived in the United States from Europe. Margaret saw the suffering of hundreds of women who tried to end their pregnancies in illegal and harmful ways. She realized that this was not just a health problem. These women suffered because of their low position in society.
Margaret saw that not having control over one’s body led to problems that were passed on from mother to daughter and through the family for years. She said she became tired of cures that did not solve the real problem. Instead, she wanted to change the whole life of a mother.
In nineteen-oh-two, Margaret married William Sanger. They had three children. Margaret compared her own middle-class life to that of the poor people she worked among. This increased her desire to deal with economic and social issues. At this time, Margaret Sanger became involved in the liberal political culture of an area of New York City known as Greenwich Village. Sanger became a labor union organizer. She learned methods of protest and propaganda, which she used in her birth control activism.
Sanger traveled to Paris, France, in nineteen thirteen, to research European methods of birth control. She also met with members of Socialist political groups who influenced her birth control policies. She returned to the United States prepared to change women’s lives.
At first, Margaret Sanger sought the support of leaders of the women’s movement, members of the Socialist party, and the medical profession. But she wrote that they told her to wait until women were permitted to vote. She decided to continue working alone.
One of Margaret Sanger’s first important political acts was to publish a monthly newspaper called The Woman Rebel. She designed it. She wrote for it. And she paid for it. The newspaper called for women to reject the traditional woman’s position. The first copy was published in March, nineteen fourteen. The Woman Rebel was an angry paper that discussed disputed and sometimes illegal subjects. These included labor problems, marriage, the sex business, and revolution.
Sanger had an immediate goal. She wanted to change laws that prevented birth control education and sending birth control devices through the mail.
The Woman Rebel became well known in New York and elsewhere. Laws at that time banned the mailing of materials considered morally bad. This included any form of birth control information. The law was known as the Comstock Act. Officials ordered Sanger to stop sending out her newspaper.
Sanger instead wrote another birth control document called Family Limitation. The document included detailed descriptions of birth control methods. In August, nineteen fourteen, Margaret Sanger was charged with violating the Comstock Act.
Margaret faced a prison sentence of as many as forty-five years if found guilty. She fled to Europe to escape the trial. She asked friends to release thousands of copies of Family Limitation. The document quickly spread among women across the United States. It started a public debate about birth control. The charges against Sanger also increased public interest in her and in women’s issues.
Once again, Margaret Sanger used her time in Europe to research birth control methods. After about a year, she decided to return to the United States to face trial. She wanted to use the trial to speak out about the need for reproductive freedom for women.
While Sanger was preparing for her trial, her five-year-old daughter, Peggy, died of pneumonia. The death made Sanger feel very weak and guilty. However, the death greatly increased public support for Sanger and the issue of birth control. The many reports in the media caused the United States government to dismiss charges against her.
Margaret Sanger continued to oppose the Comstock Act by opening the first birth control center in the United States. It opened in Brownsville, New York in nineteen sixteen. Sanger’s sister, Ethel Byrne, and a language expert helped her. One hundred women came to the birth control center on the first day. After about a week, police arrested the three women, but later released them. Sanger immediately re-opened the health center, and was arrested again. The women were tried the next year. Sanger was sentenced to thirty days in jail.
With some support from women’s groups, Sanger started a new magazine, the Birth Control Review. In nineteen twenty-one, she organized the first American birth control conference. The conference led to the creation of the American Birth Control League. It was established to provide education, legal reform and research for better birth control. The group opened a birth control center in the United States in nineteen twenty-three. Many centers that opened later across the country copied this one.
Sanger was president of the American Birth Control League until nineteen twenty-eight. In the nineteen thirties she helped win a judicial decision that permitted American doctors to give out information about birth control.
Historians say Margaret Sanger changed her methods of political action during and after the nineteen twenties. She stopped using direct opposition and illegal acts. She even sought support from her former opponents.
Later, Sanger joined supporters of eugenics. This is the study of human improvement by genetic control. Extremists among that group believe that disabled, weak or “undesirable” human beings should not be born. Historians say Sanger supported eugenicists only as a way to gain her birth control goals. She later said she was wrong in supporting eugenics. But she still is criticized for these statements.
Even though Margaret Sanger changed her methods, she continued her efforts for birth control. In nineteen forty-two, she helped form the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It became a major national health organization after World War Two.
Margaret Sanger moved into areas of international activism. Her efforts led to the creation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. It was formed in nineteen fifty-two after an international conference in Bombay, India. Sanger was one of its first presidents.
The organization was aimed at increasing the acceptance of family planning around the world. Almost every country in the world is now a member of the international group.
Margaret Sanger lived to see the end of the Comstock Act and the invention of birth control medicine. She died in nineteen sixty-six in Tucson, Arizona. She was an important part of what has been called one of the most life-changing political movements of the Twentieth Century.
про что:
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Борис Денисов
Radio NZ interviews Alexander Sanger
it seems that not much research was done about Margaret Sanger at all,-- надо восполнять :)
You can listen to the full interview here
You can listen to the full interview here
про что:
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Борис Денисов
The History of The Pill is Personal!
отличная флэшка -- оч полезная, но изрядно романтичная
Nationally, there seems to be less of a emphasis on reversing Roe v. Wade, and more of an emphasis on limiting access to abortion services. This especially seems to have come to a head in Iowa recently because Planned Parenthood has begun to use closed-circuit video conferencing to administer pills for medical abortions, effectively increasing access for women who live in the state’s more rural areas. Are those who are against abortion highlighting this so emphatically because they see it as a direct assault to a strategy that seemed to be working?
отличная флэшка -- оч полезная, но изрядно романтичная
Nationally, there seems to be less of a emphasis on reversing Roe v. Wade, and more of an emphasis on limiting access to abortion services. This especially seems to have come to a head in Iowa recently because Planned Parenthood has begun to use closed-circuit video conferencing to administer pills for medical abortions, effectively increasing access for women who live in the state’s more rural areas. Are those who are against abortion highlighting this so emphatically because they see it as a direct assault to a strategy that seemed to be working?
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 21, 2010
about The Texas Board of Education
The divide grew with the introduction of new amendments Thursday, including one that says high school books should outline the practice of eugenics -- the sterilization of a selected group of people.
The idea supported by early progressives like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
The Texas Board of Education
The idea supported by early progressives like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
The Texas Board of Education
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
cc international policy
Under President John F. Kennedy, birth control became a part of foreign aid. [это место надо бы попо дробнее] But it was not until women in the developing world achieved access to education and empowerment in their families and communities that they were truly able to control their fertility. Access to contraceptives was essential, but it was not the first step.
автор = ELAINE TYLER MAY is professor of American studies and affiliated faculty in gender, women’s and sexuality studies at the University of Minnesota. Her latest book is America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril and Liberation (Basic Books, 2010).
автор = ELAINE TYLER MAY is professor of American studies and affiliated faculty in gender, women’s and sexuality studies at the University of Minnesota. Her latest book is America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril and Liberation (Basic Books, 2010).
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
roots of idea
In his book An Essay on the Principle of Population Malthus proposed ideas that "project(ed) schemes," later to be applied by the world's most murderous tyrants, supported by hopelessly credulous true believers. Alinsky wrote: "All children born, beyond what should be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish.... Therefore...we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.
"We should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we encourage nature to use...we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders."
About one century later came another disciple, Margaret Sanger, the seriously troubled, hateful creator of that which eventually became known as "Planned Parenthood." In Sanger's sanguinary screed The Pivot of Civilization, she openly revealed her glorious scheme for human progress — sermonizing for the salvation of the best of Mankind.
Malthus and Sanger did, effectively, project their progressive schemes into the future, with clear results. Along came Adolf Hitler, whose great crime seems to have been that he took seriously the ideas, accepted by so many of the intelligentsia in places like Great Britain and the United States, of Malthus, Sanger, and, we must not leave out Charles Darwin, for Hitler was a confirmed Racist, a product of his reverence for Darwin.
(Hitler was actually astounded that his presumed allies who reviled the Jews — the Fabian Socialist, Malthusian, Darwinian, eugenic-advocate, titled caste — turned against him.)
Alas, for the "mad corporal," Hitler's apotheosis into the ranks of the glorious, progressive antecedents was not to be. He was set aside as one who took a wrong turn on the right unfortunate aberration. He was dissed by his own, later, in Alinsky fashion, to be presented at every opportunity as evidence of the cryptic schemes of those who attempt to denigrate secular-humanist, atheistic-materialist, socialist-progressivist "truth." And, you know, it has worked very well. It is ironic that in Mein Kampf Hitler wrote that "People are more willing to believe the big lie than the small lie."
Let's start in 1912.
At the turn of the century (19th to 20th), Progressivism was allied with international, monopolistic, Capitalism. The leading Progressives were industrialists, bankers, Socialist/Fascists, and educationists. Select corporations and literati formed an oligarchy. They were, in many cases, Marxist-Leninists, Social Darwinists. They held no loyalty to any sovereign nation.
Rootless progressivism
"We should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we encourage nature to use...we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders."
About one century later came another disciple, Margaret Sanger, the seriously troubled, hateful creator of that which eventually became known as "Planned Parenthood." In Sanger's sanguinary screed The Pivot of Civilization, she openly revealed her glorious scheme for human progress — sermonizing for the salvation of the best of Mankind.
Malthus and Sanger did, effectively, project their progressive schemes into the future, with clear results. Along came Adolf Hitler, whose great crime seems to have been that he took seriously the ideas, accepted by so many of the intelligentsia in places like Great Britain and the United States, of Malthus, Sanger, and, we must not leave out Charles Darwin, for Hitler was a confirmed Racist, a product of his reverence for Darwin.
(Hitler was actually astounded that his presumed allies who reviled the Jews — the Fabian Socialist, Malthusian, Darwinian, eugenic-advocate, titled caste — turned against him.)
Alas, for the "mad corporal," Hitler's apotheosis into the ranks of the glorious, progressive antecedents was not to be. He was set aside as one who took a wrong turn on the right unfortunate aberration. He was dissed by his own, later, in Alinsky fashion, to be presented at every opportunity as evidence of the cryptic schemes of those who attempt to denigrate secular-humanist, atheistic-materialist, socialist-progressivist "truth." And, you know, it has worked very well. It is ironic that in Mein Kampf Hitler wrote that "People are more willing to believe the big lie than the small lie."
Let's start in 1912.
At the turn of the century (19th to 20th), Progressivism was allied with international, monopolistic, Capitalism. The leading Progressives were industrialists, bankers, Socialist/Fascists, and educationists. Select corporations and literati formed an oligarchy. They were, in many cases, Marxist-Leninists, Social Darwinists. They held no loyalty to any sovereign nation.
- 1912: Colonel Edward M. House, future advisor of progressivist President Woodrow Wilson, published Phillip Dru: Administrator in which he promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."
- 1922: "Obviously, there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 of 60 independent states, and until some kind of international system is created." Philip Kerr, in the Journal of Foreign Affairs of the Council on Foreign Relations.
- 1933: John Dewey, father of progressive education and co-author of the Humanist Manifesto, called for a synthesizing of all religions and a social economic order. Dewey said that "Education is the most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism."
- 1972: Dr. Chester Pierce, of Harvard University, in a keynote address to the Association for Childhood Education stated, "Every child in America is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward the Founding Fathers, a supernatural being, toward a sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.... It's up to you to make all these sick children well."
- 1991: In a speech at Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller said "The super national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national (self)-determination practiced in past centuries."
- 2007: Cass Sunstein, ( Barack Obama's appointed "regulatory czar" (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs) wrote in his 2004 book The Second Bill of Rights, that economic crisis "(provides) the most promising conditions for the emergence of socialism in the U.S." In a paper written by Sunstein entitled "Climate Change Justice: the Redistribution of American Wealth" — what he called "distributive justice" — "is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid."
- 2008: Professor Manning Marable of Columbia University wrote in the Socialist Review, "A lot of people working with him (Barack Obama) are, indeed, Socialists, with backgrounds in the Communist Party, or as independent Marxists.... Obama is not a Marxist or a socialist — he is a progressive liberal."
- 2009: Van Jones, selected by Obama as "special advisor for green-jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality" contributed to a 97 page treatise. The manifesto reads "We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and party... And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed in the Third World revolutionaries like Mao Tse-tung and Amilcar Cabral."
Rootless progressivism
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
- Психоаналитическое изучение ребенка в дореволюционной и послереволюционной России. // Ежегодник истории и теории психоанализа. – Ижевск: ERGO. – 2008. – С. 50–59. - 0,7 п.л.
- Развитие психоаналитического знания о ребенке в дореволюционной и послереволюционной России (историко-психологическое исследование). // Психоаналитический вестник. – 2009. – Вып. 20. – № 1. – С. 158–180. - 1,7 п.л..
- Развитие педиатрического знания в России с середины XVIII века до 1920-х годов // Ежегодник истории и теории психоанализа. – Ижевск: ERGO. – 2009. – С. 26–39. - 1,0 п.л.
- Идеи русских психоаналитиков 1920-х годов о развитии ребенка в контексте взглядов современного детского психоанализа // Ежегодник детского психоанализа и психоаналитической педагогики. – Ижевск: ERGO. – 2009. – С. 90–101. - 1,1 п.л.
- Вера Федоровна Шмидт (1889-1937) // Психоаналитический вестник. – 2009. – вып.20. - № 2.- С. 180-196. -0,9 п.л.
Контактная информация:
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
имена СССР 1934 года
возможно Сэнгер встречалась с этими людьми (передано Peterом Engelmanом)
надо искать:
>> Dr. Wolfsen, a woman, at the Leningrad Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children (Okhrana Materinstva i Mladenchestva)
>> Dr. F. A. Bachmutskaia (or Bachmutskaja or kaya), another woman doctor at the Leningrad Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children.
>> Lucy Krivorborsk), guide and translator for the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations (VOKS).
>> Dr. Poremski, chief of the lying-in-section, Red Cross Arbortarium, Leningrad. He is "a Georgian, also a member of the Communistic Party."
>> Dr. Alexander S. Madzhuginskii (Madjuginsky), a gynecologist with the Moscow Province Department for the Protection of Mothers and Children.
>> I'm also trying to identify (complete name, location) the public arbortarium in Leningrad in 1934. It was closed when Sanger tried to go there.
надо искать:
>> Dr. Wolfsen, a woman, at the Leningrad Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children (Okhrana Materinstva i Mladenchestva)
>> Dr. F. A. Bachmutskaia (or Bachmutskaja or kaya), another woman doctor at the Leningrad Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children.
>> Lucy Krivorborsk), guide and translator for the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations (VOKS).
>> Dr. Poremski, chief of the lying-in-section, Red Cross Arbortarium, Leningrad. He is "a Georgian, also a member of the Communistic Party."
>> Dr. Alexander S. Madzhuginskii (Madjuginsky), a gynecologist with the Moscow Province Department for the Protection of Mothers and Children.
>> I'm also trying to identify (complete name, location) the public arbortarium in Leningrad in 1934. It was closed when Sanger tried to go there.
про что:
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Борис Денисов
речь Коллонтай
не очень зажигательно :(
MP3 Audio of Kollontai speaking.
+ Перманентная революция Троцкого (на русском)
MP3 Audio of Kollontai speaking.
+ Перманентная революция Троцкого (на русском)
про что:
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Борис Денисов
Ellsworth Huntington papers
Ellsworth Huntington was a geographer, a professor of Geology-Geography at Yale University, and an author. Huntington was a proponent of the controversial theory that emphasized the dominant influence of climate and eugenics on the character of civilizations.
The papers consist of correspondence, writings, notes and notebooks, clippings, printed matter, which relate to Ellsworth Huntington's professional career and his activities for a number of professional organizations with which he was associated. The papers also include notebooks covering his numerous field trips and ancient artifacts collected by Huntington in Chinese Turkestan. Correspondents of note include Arnold Toynbee, Ernst Antevs, Henry Adams, James Breasted, Frederick Jackson Turner, Margaret Sanger, Henry Fairchild, James Rowland Angell, and Henry Seidel Canby.
архив Йеля
The papers consist of correspondence, writings, notes and notebooks, clippings, printed matter, which relate to Ellsworth Huntington's professional career and his activities for a number of professional organizations with which he was associated. The papers also include notebooks covering his numerous field trips and ancient artifacts collected by Huntington in Chinese Turkestan. Correspondents of note include Arnold Toynbee, Ernst Antevs, Henry Adams, James Breasted, Frederick Jackson Turner, Margaret Sanger, Henry Fairchild, James Rowland Angell, and Henry Seidel Canby.
архив Йеля
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
Stokes, Rose Pastor, 1879-1933
During these years Mrs. Stokes was active in organizing the hotel workers and dressmakers in N.Y.C. She was in demand as an agitational speaker. She was also very much involved in birth-control activities with Margaret Sanger and Emma Goldman. As a prominent woman of the time, she was asked to join the HETERODOXY SOCIETY; this organization included many prominent women from cultural activities, and was not limited to people active in the socialist movement. Mrs. Stokes wrote several plays during these years; one of these, "The Woman Who Wouldn't", was presented by the Washington Square Players. She also contributed to such publications as The Masses (Editor, Max Eastman).
архив Йеля
архив Йеля
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
Владимир Шатов
from Maurice Brinton The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control || The State and Counter-Revolution
Excitement in the Congress reached a climax when Bill Shatov[4*] characterized the trade unions as "living corpses" and urged the working class "to organize in the localities and create a free, new Russia, without a God, without a Tsar, and without a boss in the trade union". When Ryazanov protested Shatov's vilification of the unions, Maximov rose to his comrade's defence, dismissing Ryazanov's objections as those of a white-handed intellectual who had never worked, never sweated, never felt life. Another anarcho-syndicalist delegate, Laptev by name, reminded the gathering that the revolution had been made "not only by the intellectuals, but by the masses"; therefore it was imperative for Russia to "listen to the voice of the working masses, the voice from below".
Vladimir Shatov, born in Russia, emigrated to Canada and USA. In 1914 secretly reprinted 100,000 copies of Margaret Sanger's notorious birth-control pamphlet, Family Limitation. Worked as machinist longshoreman and printer. Joined IWW. Later helped produce Golos Truda, weekly anarcho-syndicalist organ of the Union of Russian Workers of the United States and Canada. Returned to Petrograd in July 1917 and "replanted Golos Truda in the Russian capital". Later became member of Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee and an officer of the 10th Red Army. In 1919 he played important role in defence of Petrograd against Yudenich. In 1920 became Minister of Transport in the Far Eastern Soviet Republic. Disappeared during the 1936-38 purges.
Шатов в русской википедии
Excitement in the Congress reached a climax when Bill Shatov[4*] characterized the trade unions as "living corpses" and urged the working class "to organize in the localities and create a free, new Russia, without a God, without a Tsar, and without a boss in the trade union". When Ryazanov protested Shatov's vilification of the unions, Maximov rose to his comrade's defence, dismissing Ryazanov's objections as those of a white-handed intellectual who had never worked, never sweated, never felt life. Another anarcho-syndicalist delegate, Laptev by name, reminded the gathering that the revolution had been made "not only by the intellectuals, but by the masses"; therefore it was imperative for Russia to "listen to the voice of the working masses, the voice from below".
Vladimir Shatov, born in Russia, emigrated to Canada and USA. In 1914 secretly reprinted 100,000 copies of Margaret Sanger's notorious birth-control pamphlet, Family Limitation. Worked as machinist longshoreman and printer. Joined IWW. Later helped produce Golos Truda, weekly anarcho-syndicalist organ of the Union of Russian Workers of the United States and Canada. Returned to Petrograd in July 1917 and "replanted Golos Truda in the Russian capital". Later became member of Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee and an officer of the 10th Red Army. In 1919 he played important role in defence of Petrograd against Yudenich. In 1920 became Minister of Transport in the Far Eastern Soviet Republic. Disappeared during the 1936-38 purges.
Шатов в русской википедии
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 19, 2010
Аньес Смедли
Agnes Smedley
(February 23, 1892 – 6 May 1950)американская журналистка (сотрудничала с Asia, The New Republic, The Nation, Vogue, и Life) и писательница (8 книг), известная совей хроникой китайской революции. Во время первой мировой войны вела в США проиндийско-антибританскую работу на деньги правительства Германии (американский Ленин в юпьке), в течение многих лет работала в Коминтерне на мировую революцию, в частности, много времени уделила правам женщин, контролю рождаемости и детским пособиям.
Родилась в Осгуде, Миссури, у родителей было 5 детей. Когда ей было 10 лет, семья переехала в Колорадо. Девочка ходила в школу и работала на ферме, формально обучение не закончила, хотя проявила способности и рвение в учёбе. Не закончив школы. устроилась на место учительницы в Нью-Мексико. В 1911-12 опять училась в школе в Темпе, Аризона, где была редактором и автором школьной газеты Tempe Normal Student. Вышла замуж за Эрнста Брундина (Ernest Brundin) и переехала в Калифорнию, где познакомилась с идеями социализма. После 6 лет брака развелась и переехала в Нью-Йорк, где познакомилась с Маргарет Сэнгер и стала сотрудничать в Birth Control Review.
В годы первой мировой войны сблизилась с Лала Ладжпат Раи (Lala Lajpat Rai), М. Н. Роем (M. N. Roy), Саилендранатом Гозом (Sailendranath Ghose) и другими индийскими революционерами, находившимися тогда в США. Не смотря на опасность, согласилась быть связной между ними. Она способствовала публикации антиантантовской литературы и на этой почве познакомилась с Баи Багван Сингхом (Bhai Bhagwan Singh) и Таратнатом Досом (Taraknath Das). Участие в индогерманских мероприятиях привлекло к ней внимание британской разведки. Её корреспонденция вскрывалась и приходилось часто менять квартиры. В конце войны она познакомилась с индийским коммунистом Вирендранатом Чаттопадхьяя (Virendranath Chattopadhyaya) и с ним уехала в Германию. К 1929 году она бросила Чаттопадхьяю, написала автобиографию и переехала в Шанхай.
В Шанхае она завела себе двух любовников Рихарада Зорге и Осаки Хоцуми (Ozaki Hotsumi), корреспондента Асахи Симбун, который перевел книгу Смедли "Дочь земли" на японский язык, а позднее стал самым ценным информатором Зорге. Чарльз Уилуби (Charles A. Willoughby), начальник разведки генерала Мак-Артура считал Смедли агентом Зорге. Предполагается, что советские архивы могут содержать доказательство разведработы Смедли, хотя сама она после войны это отрицала. В 30е она была репортёром Франкфуртер Цайтунг и Манчестер Гардиан, освещавшим китайскую революцию. Она пыталась всупить в КПК, но не была принята по соображениям отсутствия дисциплины и избыточной независимости. Начиная с 1938 по 1941 работала и на стороне Гоминьдана. Вернувшись в штаты она поселилась в писательской колонии Ядо (Yaddo) в Нью-Йорке. Обвинение в шпионаже заставило её покинуть страну, она умерла в Англии по дороге в Китай. Похоронена в Пекине.
Over the years Agnes Smedley had friends and associates who supported a wide range of causes. Margaret Sanger, Emma Goldman, Roger Baldwin, Ladip at Rai, Kathe Kollowitz, Lu Xun, Nehru, Richard Sorge, Soon Qingling, and Chou En-Lai are some of the people who influenced Smedley's life.
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 17, 2010
нашол наконец-то БМЖатниковый ресурс про лонгитюдное обследование 46 тыс тёток, которое дало впечатляющие результаты: здороье-то их не ухудшилось, скорее наоборот,
в общем, явного вреда нет
хотя метод оспорят -- тут сомневаться не стоит даже
БМЖовые Press releases Monday 8 March to Friday 12 March 2010
BMJ 1999;319:386 ( 7 August ) -- старьё
Mortality associated with oral contraceptive use
а вот это любопытно:
J Epidemiol Community Health 1999;53:258-260 doi:10.1136/jech.53.5.258
Type 3 errors, pill scares, and the epidemiology of oral contraception and health.
* K McPherson
Вот основное:
(4) Contraceptive pill not associated with increased long-term risk of death
(Research: Mortality among contraceptive pill users: cohort evidence from Royal College of General Practitioners' Oral Contraception Study)
Women in the UK who have ever used the oral contraceptive pill are less likely to die from any cause, including all cancers and heart disease, compared with never users, according to research published on today.
The results show a slightly higher risk in women under 45 years old who are current or recent users of the pill. The authors stress that the effects in younger women disappear after about 10 years. Furthermore, the benefits in older women outweigh the smaller excess risks among younger women.
The study continues to find a higher rate of violent or accidental death among oral contraceptive users compared with never users. The authors are unable to explain this persistent finding.
In May 1968, the Royal College of General Practitioners' (RCGP) began the RCGP Oral Contraception Study, one of the world’s largest continuing investigations into the health effects of oral contraceptives.
Early reports from the RCGP study suggested an increased risk of death among oral contraceptive users, mainly due to an excess of strokes or other vascular problems among older women or those who smoked. Although a later report suggested that these effects disappear once the pill is stopped, at the time there were relatively few cases of different types of cancer.
These latest results, led by Professor Philip Hannaford from the University of Aberdeen, relate to the 46,000 recruited women, followed for up to nearly 40 years, creating more than a million woman-years of observation.
The results show that in the longer term, women who used oral contraception had a significantly lower rate of death from any cause, including heart disease and all cancers (notably bowel, uterine body and ovarian cancers) compared with never users.
This equates to 52 fewer deaths per 100,000 woman-years.
Slightly higher rates were found among younger women who had used oral contraception, with 20 more deaths per 100,000 among those younger than 30, and four more deaths per 100,000 among 30-39 year olds.
But by the age of 50, the benefits outweighed these modest risks, with 14 fewer deaths per 100,000 among 40-49 year olds; 86 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 50-59 year olds; 122 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 60-69 year olds; and 308 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 70+ year olds.
Hannaford says: "Many women, especially those who used the first generation of oral contraceptives many years ago, are likely to be reassured by our results. However, our findings might not reflect the experience of women using oral contraceptives today, if currently available preparations have a different risk than earlier products."
The authors conclude that their results, derived from a relatively healthy UK study group, show that "oral contraception is not significantly associated with an increased long-term risk of death . . . indeed a net benefit was apparent." However, they point out that "the balance of risks and benefits may vary globally, depending upon patterns of oral contraception usage and background risk of disease."
Philip Hannaford, Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
в общем, явного вреда нет
хотя метод оспорят -- тут сомневаться не стоит даже
БМЖовые Press releases Monday 8 March to Friday 12 March 2010
BMJ 1999;319:386 ( 7 August ) -- старьё
Mortality associated with oral contraceptive use
а вот это любопытно:
J Epidemiol Community Health 1999;53:258-260 doi:10.1136/jech.53.5.258
Type 3 errors, pill scares, and the epidemiology of oral contraception and health.
* K McPherson
Вот основное:
(4) Contraceptive pill not associated with increased long-term risk of death
(Research: Mortality among contraceptive pill users: cohort evidence from Royal College of General Practitioners' Oral Contraception Study)
Women in the UK who have ever used the oral contraceptive pill are less likely to die from any cause, including all cancers and heart disease, compared with never users, according to research published on today.
The results show a slightly higher risk in women under 45 years old who are current or recent users of the pill. The authors stress that the effects in younger women disappear after about 10 years. Furthermore, the benefits in older women outweigh the smaller excess risks among younger women.
The study continues to find a higher rate of violent or accidental death among oral contraceptive users compared with never users. The authors are unable to explain this persistent finding.
In May 1968, the Royal College of General Practitioners' (RCGP) began the RCGP Oral Contraception Study, one of the world’s largest continuing investigations into the health effects of oral contraceptives.
Early reports from the RCGP study suggested an increased risk of death among oral contraceptive users, mainly due to an excess of strokes or other vascular problems among older women or those who smoked. Although a later report suggested that these effects disappear once the pill is stopped, at the time there were relatively few cases of different types of cancer.
These latest results, led by Professor Philip Hannaford from the University of Aberdeen, relate to the 46,000 recruited women, followed for up to nearly 40 years, creating more than a million woman-years of observation.
The results show that in the longer term, women who used oral contraception had a significantly lower rate of death from any cause, including heart disease and all cancers (notably bowel, uterine body and ovarian cancers) compared with never users.
This equates to 52 fewer deaths per 100,000 woman-years.
Slightly higher rates were found among younger women who had used oral contraception, with 20 more deaths per 100,000 among those younger than 30, and four more deaths per 100,000 among 30-39 year olds.
But by the age of 50, the benefits outweighed these modest risks, with 14 fewer deaths per 100,000 among 40-49 year olds; 86 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 50-59 year olds; 122 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 60-69 year olds; and 308 fewer deaths per 100,000 for 70+ year olds.
Hannaford says: "Many women, especially those who used the first generation of oral contraceptives many years ago, are likely to be reassured by our results. However, our findings might not reflect the experience of women using oral contraceptives today, if currently available preparations have a different risk than earlier products."
The authors conclude that their results, derived from a relatively healthy UK study group, show that "oral contraception is not significantly associated with an increased long-term risk of death . . . indeed a net benefit was apparent." However, they point out that "the balance of risks and benefits may vary globally, depending upon patterns of oral contraception usage and background risk of disease."
Philip Hannaford, Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
про что:
birth control,
Posted by
Борис Денисов
Lecture to the Ku Klux Klan
из автобиографии (любопытно: читает робот)
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
Elaine Tyler May
Campus Progress caught up with Elaine Tyler May, historian at the University of Minnesota and author of the digestible new history America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril, and Liberation. She tells us why she got so interested in the subject in the first place, speculates on male birth control’s future, and talks about how LGBTQ people fit into the debate over birth control.
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
US pill prevalence
The pill is used by about 12 million women in the United States and 100 (пожалуй, 200) million women worldwide.
53 percent of the 3.1 million teenage women who use contraceptives use the pill. It is the most popular method for teenagers, women in their 20s, women who have never married and women who are college-educated; about one-third of women of childbearing age in the United States use the pill.
Japan approved Viagra six months after it was introduced, but after 10 years of research, still hasn’t approved low-dose oral contraceptives for women.
Several states still have so-called “conscience clauses,” which allow doctors or pharmacists to deny contraceptives to a patient because of religious or moral beliefs. (Во!!! дурдом)
daily bruin -- похоже газетка ун-та Калифаорнии в ЛА
53 percent of the 3.1 million teenage women who use contraceptives use the pill. It is the most popular method for teenagers, women in their 20s, women who have never married and women who are college-educated; about one-third of women of childbearing age in the United States use the pill.
Japan approved Viagra six months after it was introduced, but after 10 years of research, still hasn’t approved low-dose oral contraceptives for women.
Several states still have so-called “conscience clauses,” which allow doctors or pharmacists to deny contraceptives to a patient because of religious or moral beliefs. (Во!!! дурдом)
daily bruin -- похоже газетка ун-та Калифаорнии в ЛА
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 16, 2010
The pill collection 3
весьма приличный исторический кусок:
In the 1870s German biologist Oskar Wilhelm August Hertwig became the first person to observe the process of fertilisation – the penetration of a sperm into an egg. Ten years later the first rubber diaphragm was developed which covered the cervix and created a barrier that prevented sperm from reaching the egg.
About 15 years after Ludwig Haberlandt began his pioneering research, American social reformer Margaret Sanger coined the term “birth control” and began her decades-long crusade to bring safe and effective contraception into the mainstream.
In 1919, Ludwig Haberlandt was able to demonstrate that when the ovaries of pregnant rabbits were transplanted into non-pregnant animals, ovulation was inhibited and therefore pregnancy was prevented. This was the first indication that hormonal contraception was a viable option.
In the 1920s the first intrauterine devices (IUDs) were developed in Germany. Initially, IUDs were made from various materials including silkworm intestines and silver. In the same decade, English reformer Marie Stopes opened birth control clinics and the diaphragm was first introduced in Australia. The first birth control clinic in Australia was opened in Sydney in 1933.
In 1938, Hans Herloff Inhoffen and Walter Hohlweg at Bayer Schering Pharma (then Schering) developed the first synthetic oestrogen (female sex hormone) – ethinyl estradiol – which remains the most effective and widely used oestrogen component in oral contraceptives today. The first oral progestin (a synthetic hormone that acts in a similar way to progesterone when administered orally and a common ingredient in modern contraceptive pills), was discovered by Inhoffen and Hohlweg in the same year.
In 1942, American chemist Russell Marker found that diosgenin, a compound extracted from the wild yam roots, Dioscorea, that grew in Mexico, could be efficiently manufactured into a progestin. Marker was able to achieve a reduction in the cost of producing synthetic progesterone (now called progestin) which provided other biologists with ready access to the hormone for experimentation.
In the early 1950s, Margaret Sanger introduced reproductive physiologist and leader in hormone research Gregory Pincus, to suffragist Katherine McCormick. McCormick provided financial support for developing a medicinal method of contraception. Both Sanger and McCormick continued to be central figures in the fight for birth control and were driven by a vision to help alleviate the misery that unwanted pregnancy can cause, particularly in poor and immigrant populations.
Pincus along with John Rock, an American gynaecologist from Harvard became a major developer of the Pill. However, because Massachusetts law banned the use of contraceptives, the first large-scale clinical trials of the modern-day Pill had to take place in Puerto Rico in 1956.
Australian Women Online
It’s not as though birth control didn’t exist before the pill. Condoms and diaphragms had been widely available since the 1840s. But no method was as simple and effective as the pill, which separated contraception from sex altogether. Women no longer had to conform to the stereotypical name of mother and wife: marriage and childbearing were disjunctured. This was great news for woman, but it was threatening to most men. It certainly changed relations in the bedroom: in psychology journals, prior to 1970, frigidity was listed as a major problem for women, but today, frigidity has practically vanished from the literature. It has been replaced by erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, which were never considered problems before.
When sexual intercourse became shared and pregnancy became an option, the attitude however, shifted from child bearing to child rearing. The sexual revolution and feminism that unfolded in the sixties was in no small measure linked to the availability of the pill. The pill inaugurated our modern era of lifestyle drugs.
...A woman could also be sexually active and not worry about losing her job because of unplanned pregnancy. This also helped promote women in the workforce as the concept of birth control guaranteed a woman’s dedication to her job.
Kaieteur News
Contraception before The Pill --
интересный блог на вордпрессе, подписался
есть ссылка на книжку, где вводится саплай и деманд сайд, при этом Сэнгер -- саплай, противоположно тому, что мною отписано :)
глубоко копает: Revolutionary Conceptions traces that change in attitudes on family size to the era of the American Revolution. Americans were vowing not to be the slaves of Britain, they demanded liberty and independence. These ideas spread, not just among politicians, but among rich and poor, free and slave, men and women. Women came to seek equality in marriage, more options in life, and better treatment of children, especially daughters–goals that could be accomplished through family planning.... The story of birth control in America is not a story driven by technology–it’s a story driven by women’s desires to preserve their own health and family resources by investing more time and money into the care and raising of fewer children.
The Black Panthers concluded that contraception was only part of a wider design to decimate the black race.
After all, should a woman become pregnant, it is only fair that she not be "punished with a baby for that mistake", as President Obama has said.
источник = Latter Day Ministry
Margaret Sanger relied on a Harvard scientist, Gregory Pincus, to develop the pill. Pincus relied on devout Catholic John Rock, a renown infertility specialist and physician, to perform the clinicals
John Rock was so convinced he was right on this, he wrote a book about it and convinced many Catholics
Then out came Humanae Vitae that shook the Catholic world
One of the most powerful tools/instruments used by progressives (who have now taken control of the democrat party) is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood receives federal funding.
Just in case you aren't familiar with Planned Parenthood, let me give you a quickie history lesson......and remember, the core values of Planned Parenthood advocate the continued use of abortion as a means of population control.
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. There is much published material by Ms. Sanger. She was a strong advocate for eugenics. Here are some of her writings:
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On motherhood:
"I cannot refrain from saying that women must come to recognize there is some function of womanhood other than being a child-bearing machine." What Every Girl Should Know, by Margaret Sanger (Max Maisel, Publisher, 1915) [Jesus said: "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep... for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say, Blessed (happy) are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the breasts which never gave suck." (Luke 23:24)]
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
In the 1870s German biologist Oskar Wilhelm August Hertwig became the first person to observe the process of fertilisation – the penetration of a sperm into an egg. Ten years later the first rubber diaphragm was developed which covered the cervix and created a barrier that prevented sperm from reaching the egg.
About 15 years after Ludwig Haberlandt began his pioneering research, American social reformer Margaret Sanger coined the term “birth control” and began her decades-long crusade to bring safe and effective contraception into the mainstream.
In 1919, Ludwig Haberlandt was able to demonstrate that when the ovaries of pregnant rabbits were transplanted into non-pregnant animals, ovulation was inhibited and therefore pregnancy was prevented. This was the first indication that hormonal contraception was a viable option.
In the 1920s the first intrauterine devices (IUDs) were developed in Germany. Initially, IUDs were made from various materials including silkworm intestines and silver. In the same decade, English reformer Marie Stopes opened birth control clinics and the diaphragm was first introduced in Australia. The first birth control clinic in Australia was opened in Sydney in 1933.
In 1938, Hans Herloff Inhoffen and Walter Hohlweg at Bayer Schering Pharma (then Schering) developed the first synthetic oestrogen (female sex hormone) – ethinyl estradiol – which remains the most effective and widely used oestrogen component in oral contraceptives today. The first oral progestin (a synthetic hormone that acts in a similar way to progesterone when administered orally and a common ingredient in modern contraceptive pills), was discovered by Inhoffen and Hohlweg in the same year.
In 1942, American chemist Russell Marker found that diosgenin, a compound extracted from the wild yam roots, Dioscorea, that grew in Mexico, could be efficiently manufactured into a progestin. Marker was able to achieve a reduction in the cost of producing synthetic progesterone (now called progestin) which provided other biologists with ready access to the hormone for experimentation.
In the early 1950s, Margaret Sanger introduced reproductive physiologist and leader in hormone research Gregory Pincus, to suffragist Katherine McCormick. McCormick provided financial support for developing a medicinal method of contraception. Both Sanger and McCormick continued to be central figures in the fight for birth control and were driven by a vision to help alleviate the misery that unwanted pregnancy can cause, particularly in poor and immigrant populations.
Pincus along with John Rock, an American gynaecologist from Harvard became a major developer of the Pill. However, because Massachusetts law banned the use of contraceptives, the first large-scale clinical trials of the modern-day Pill had to take place in Puerto Rico in 1956.
Australian Women Online
It’s not as though birth control didn’t exist before the pill. Condoms and diaphragms had been widely available since the 1840s. But no method was as simple and effective as the pill, which separated contraception from sex altogether. Women no longer had to conform to the stereotypical name of mother and wife: marriage and childbearing were disjunctured. This was great news for woman, but it was threatening to most men. It certainly changed relations in the bedroom: in psychology journals, prior to 1970, frigidity was listed as a major problem for women, but today, frigidity has practically vanished from the literature. It has been replaced by erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, which were never considered problems before.
When sexual intercourse became shared and pregnancy became an option, the attitude however, shifted from child bearing to child rearing. The sexual revolution and feminism that unfolded in the sixties was in no small measure linked to the availability of the pill. The pill inaugurated our modern era of lifestyle drugs.
...A woman could also be sexually active and not worry about losing her job because of unplanned pregnancy. This also helped promote women in the workforce as the concept of birth control guaranteed a woman’s dedication to her job.
Kaieteur News
Contraception before The Pill --
интересный блог на вордпрессе, подписался
есть ссылка на книжку, где вводится саплай и деманд сайд, при этом Сэнгер -- саплай, противоположно тому, что мною отписано :)
глубоко копает: Revolutionary Conceptions traces that change in attitudes on family size to the era of the American Revolution. Americans were vowing not to be the slaves of Britain, they demanded liberty and independence. These ideas spread, not just among politicians, but among rich and poor, free and slave, men and women. Women came to seek equality in marriage, more options in life, and better treatment of children, especially daughters–goals that could be accomplished through family planning.... The story of birth control in America is not a story driven by technology–it’s a story driven by women’s desires to preserve their own health and family resources by investing more time and money into the care and raising of fewer children.
The Black Panthers concluded that contraception was only part of a wider design to decimate the black race.
After all, should a woman become pregnant, it is only fair that she not be "punished with a baby for that mistake", as President Obama has said.
источник = Latter Day Ministry
Margaret Sanger relied on a Harvard scientist, Gregory Pincus, to develop the pill. Pincus relied on devout Catholic John Rock, a renown infertility specialist and physician, to perform the clinicals
John Rock was so convinced he was right on this, he wrote a book about it and convinced many Catholics
Then out came Humanae Vitae that shook the Catholic world
One of the most powerful tools/instruments used by progressives (who have now taken control of the democrat party) is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood receives federal funding.
Just in case you aren't familiar with Planned Parenthood, let me give you a quickie history lesson......and remember, the core values of Planned Parenthood advocate the continued use of abortion as a means of population control.
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. There is much published material by Ms. Sanger. She was a strong advocate for eugenics. Here are some of her writings:
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On motherhood:
"I cannot refrain from saying that women must come to recognize there is some function of womanhood other than being a child-bearing machine." What Every Girl Should Know, by Margaret Sanger (Max Maisel, Publisher, 1915) [Jesus said: "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep... for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say, Blessed (happy) are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the breasts which never gave suck." (Luke 23:24)]
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
killer angel by George Grant
You can read this exceptional book online for free!
KILLER ANGEL by George Grant
каждый руський поцреотъ должон прочесть ибонех цитатко обрезать -- так и до *.* недалеко :)
Regardless of how many mega center abortion mills Planned Parenthood builds, millions of pro-lifers will always stand ready to share the love and compassion that young men and women are seeking and PP can’t compete with that.
+ пара ролегофф
KILLER ANGEL by George Grant
каждый руський поцреотъ должон прочесть ибонех цитатко обрезать -- так и до *.* недалеко :)
Regardless of how many mega center abortion mills Planned Parenthood builds, millions of pro-lifers will always stand ready to share the love and compassion that young men and women are seeking and PP can’t compete with that.
+ пара ролегофф
The pill collection 2
the Pill has been taken by 200 million women. --
В пред. посте почти везде указывалась сотня, эта циерка ближе к той оценке, что дадена мною в статейке, коя пока не публикована. Основание этой оценки -- оценка ООН по мировому преваленсу пилюли
Research for a “magic pill” began in 1950, driven by Margaret Sanger... - это неверно по факту (отсюда надо будет потом ссылку поставить на МГ)
“Families were huge, six children was average (Jennifer Worth, a midwife),” she says. “Diaphragms didn’t really work and men poured scorn on contraception, calling them ‘sissy’. Unmarried mothers were usually disowned by their families, backstreet abortionists were thriving, and orphanages were full of illegitimate children.
“But in younger women, resentment was building. They’d had experience of the workplace during the war and wanted more out of life than the endless childbearing that had been their mothers’ lot. As soon as they could take contraception into their own hands, they did. Within a few years of the Pill arriving, deliveries on our ward went down from about 100 a month to five.”
Already Britain was in the throes of extraordinary upheaval. Six years after the Pill arrived, the Rolling Stones were singing Let’s Spend the Night Together (аморальная интерпретация Дэвида Боуи). Women rejected their mothers’ perms and twinsets for long hair and mini-skirts.
“Before the Pill, you could always use the excuse, however disingenuous, of ‘I might get pregnant’. It was like pulling a sickie, saying: ‘I can’t come in, I’ve got a sore throat’, and it helped women be sure if this relationship really was the right thing for them. Afterwards, it made it much harder for young women to prolong their courtships and to say ‘no’.”.... It was like not having a toothbrush – everybody came prepared.
A recent 40-year study of 46,000 women showed Pill-users live longer and are less likely to die prematurely of all sorts of ailments, including various cancers and heart disease, than women who had never taken it. -- опубликовано в БМЖ, надо найтить
But what of our moral fabric, as so bewailed by Ms Welch? (см. пред.пост:) Jennifer Worth laughs. “That’s an outrageous statement. The Pill saved far more marriages, by reducing the pressure on women. It certainly saved millions’ mental and physical health.”
В пред. посте почти везде указывалась сотня, эта циерка ближе к той оценке, что дадена мною в статейке, коя пока не публикована. Основание этой оценки -- оценка ООН по мировому преваленсу пилюли
Research for a “magic pill” began in 1950, driven by Margaret Sanger... - это неверно по факту (отсюда надо будет потом ссылку поставить на МГ)
“Families were huge, six children was average (Jennifer Worth, a midwife),” she says. “Diaphragms didn’t really work and men poured scorn on contraception, calling them ‘sissy’. Unmarried mothers were usually disowned by their families, backstreet abortionists were thriving, and orphanages were full of illegitimate children.
“But in younger women, resentment was building. They’d had experience of the workplace during the war and wanted more out of life than the endless childbearing that had been their mothers’ lot. As soon as they could take contraception into their own hands, they did. Within a few years of the Pill arriving, deliveries on our ward went down from about 100 a month to five.”
Already Britain was in the throes of extraordinary upheaval. Six years after the Pill arrived, the Rolling Stones were singing Let’s Spend the Night Together (аморальная интерпретация Дэвида Боуи). Women rejected their mothers’ perms and twinsets for long hair and mini-skirts.
“Before the Pill, you could always use the excuse, however disingenuous, of ‘I might get pregnant’. It was like pulling a sickie, saying: ‘I can’t come in, I’ve got a sore throat’, and it helped women be sure if this relationship really was the right thing for them. Afterwards, it made it much harder for young women to prolong their courtships and to say ‘no’.”.... It was like not having a toothbrush – everybody came prepared.
A recent 40-year study of 46,000 women showed Pill-users live longer and are less likely to die prematurely of all sorts of ailments, including various cancers and heart disease, than women who had never taken it. -- опубликовано в БМЖ, надо найтить
But what of our moral fabric, as so bewailed by Ms Welch? (см. пред.пост:) Jennifer Worth laughs. “That’s an outrageous statement. The Pill saved far more marriages, by reducing the pressure on women. It certainly saved millions’ mental and physical health.”
про что:
Posted by
Борис Денисов
May 15, 2010
the pill collection
статья в
с некоторыми ссылками, в частности
Fifty years on, 200 million more women need the pill
... in 50 years we are celebrating the demise of this human pesticide known as "the pill." пишет, что пилюля привела к росту разводов, росту внебрачной рождаемости и тому, что традиционная семья стала исключением; к этому же приведёт и ЭКО :)
on Sunday we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth control pill (NYT)-- cтатейко начинается с античных правил предохранения от зачатия (женщина, оттрахавшысь, должна попрыгать, а потом 9 прыжеков назад, мб, в этом что-то есть ???)
btw = The Food and Drug Administration actually gave G.D. Searle the go-ahead to market the first oral contraceptive (not counting bees) on June 23, 1960. But the F.D.A. announced its intention to approve the pill on May 9, which also happens to be Mother’s Day this year and, therefore, too good to resist.
Sex o'clock in America by Raquel Welch, Special to CNN
In her 1975 hit single, country star Loretta Lynn sings a victory anthem for the Pill:
You wined me and dined me
When I was your girl
Promised if I'd be your wife
You'd show me the world
But all I've seen of this old world
Is a bed and a doctor bill
I'm tearin' down your brooder house
'Cause now I've got the pill.
from the VoA 50 years after introduction of the Pill, reproductive rights still at stake for women worldwide also mp3 available
Abstinence-only sex education denies young women opportunity to have the knowledge they need to make their own informed decisions... that could help explain why the United States has a higher teen pregnancy rate than any other country in the industrialized world. And this year, for the first time since 1991, that rate is on the rise.
Ability to plan pregnancies transforms lives Times Herald-Record
We know that about 92 percent of women have sexual intercourse before marriage ---> It was the same in 1954 (before the pill) as it is today. >> "Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954-2003" by Lawrence B. Giner, director of Domestic Research at the Guttmacher Insitute << must see
The Pill was the idea of a conservative Catholic nurse, Margaret Sanger, who hoped that it would strengthen marriage, combat poverty, generate happiness, eliminate unwanted pregnancies and even deliver world peace. (
the pill did not spark the sexual revolution. Nor did it cause a sudden drop in the U.S. fertility rate
The pill is America's favorite form of reversible birth control. (Sterilization is the leader overall.) Nearly a third of women who want to prevent unwanted pregnancies use it. "In 2008, Americans spent more than $3.5 billion on birth control pills," says McGill
According to the most recent government data, from 2002, more than eight in 10 American women ages 15 to 44 had taken the pill at some point in their lives.
Despite widespread use of the pill, half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, often conceived by women who were taking an oral contraceptive but missed doses. (оч приличная статейко из какой-то богом забытой news-press) + отл фотка Сэнгер+Маккормик
Fifty years ago this week, the birth control pill hit the market and released women from the fear of pregnancy
the first I heard of the pill was in early 1961 when a student at St John's stood on a chair in the cafeteria, held up a packet of pills and announced she was taking them. She was promptly expelled.
I never wanted to have children. My mother told me that I never spoke about "when I get married" when I was a child. I thought marriage was an odd institution and ritual. I did, however, want to have sex. I was determined not to get pregnant. The first man I slept with used condoms as did the next few.... Switching methods -- from condoms to a diaphragm to pills and finally to sterilization was linked to how I saw myself.. Дальше она оч любопытно пишет о развитии своей сексуальности и ответственности: Sterilization allowed me to completely concentrate on my partner and our pleasure. It was impossible to become pregnant. I said to myself: "This is what men feel like during sex (+ со ссылкой на А Сэнгера: у метери МС было 11 живых рождений и 7 выкидышей)
Washington Post:
Enovid had already been on the market for three years as a treatment for menstrual disorders; its approval as an oral contraceptive marked the first time a medicine would not treat or prevent an illness, but would rather be prescribed to healthy people.
With the new pill, an advertisement claimed, women would be "freed from their chains at last." The ad showed a naked Andromeda, an Ethiopian princess in Greek mythology, bound against a rock as a sacrifice to an angry sea monster. Enovid, the ad suggested, would liberate her from those chains.
It is hailed as one of the 10 greatest public-health accomplishments of the 20th century.
In 1970, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, the typical U.S. woman married at 20 and had her first child at 21. Today, women are having their first child four years later, on average, and they are marrying six years later.
ещё статейка из ВП (оч неплохая)
NewsWeek - Five myths about oral contraceptives.
1: The pill started the sexual revolution.
2: The pill is a women's issue
3: The pill was an immediate boon to single women
4: Male doctors were responsible for the development of the pill
5: The pill provided the single biggest boost to women's health and well being in the 20th century
(CBS) According to a new CBS News Poll, more than half the women of America believe the Pill has made their lives better.
Is it a paradox to wish Happy Birthday to the birth control pill?
A Brief History of Birth Control (TIME line)
It neither ended poverty nor unleashed sexual anarchy, but ‘the pill’ did change America in surprising ways (
Birth control provided a perfect battleground for social changes already afoot in American post-war society, especially the fight for women’s equality and the toppling of monolithic authority figures — chief among these was the Catholic Church, whose own tortured history with the pill is one of the book’s most fascinating sections. Many will be shocked to learn how close the Vatican came to accepting the pill in the early 1960s. In the end, of course, Pope Paul VI sided with the minority of his advisory council (60 of 64 theologians had proposed ending the ban) and affirmed the church’s continued opposition to any form of contraception (save for the rhythm method, which they only approved in 1951).
it's simply known as "the Pill"(USNWR)
No medication has come close to the birth control pill in terms of social, political and medical impact. In terms of career opportunities [for women], it's had more of an impact than anything else. The proportion of women pursuing medical careers has gone from about 10 percent to close to 50 percent
in 1961, barely a year after the Pill had been approved, the head of Planned Parenthood in Connecticut was arrested for providing it to women. That case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which, in 1965, ruled that there was a constitutional right for married women to use birth control pills.
It wasn't until 1972 that single women were granted the right to take the Pill.
"Physicians have come to understand that, in many respects, suppressing the ovarian cycle with birth control pills is more natural than having 500 ovulations in a lifetime," said Dr. Steven Goldstein, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City.
Mother Jones.Com ещё одна хронологическая таблица, более полная чем в Тайм + слайдшоу:
John Calvin calls masturbation "monstrous" and withdrawal "doubly monstrous. For this is to extinguish the hope of the race and to kill before he is born the hoped-for offspring."
1869 Pope Pius IX (слева) bans abortion, saying the soul is born at conception. Блаженный Пий IX (лат. Pius PP. IX, итал. Pio Nono) (в миру Джованни Мария, граф Мастаи-Ферретти; 13 мая 1792 — 7 февраля 1878) — римский папа с 16 июня 1846 по 7 февраля 1878. Вошёл в историю как Папа, провозгласивший догмат о Непорочном Зачатии Пресвятой Девы Марии и созвавший I Ватиканский Собор, утвердивший догматически учение о безошибочности Римского первосвященника.
+ причислил к лику святых греко-католического епископа Иосафата Кунцевича, убитого православными Витебска. Понтификат Пия IX — самый продолжительный в истории Римско-католической церкви, после апостола Петра. Он продолжался 31 год, 7 месяцев и 22 дня. Пий IX погребён в римской базилике Сан-Лоренцо-фуори-ле-Мура. В 2000 папа Иоанн Павел II причислил Пия IX к лику блаженных.
Politics Daily:
пилюльные пионеры: Марго, Катя и Карл (далеко не все перечислены)
Historians consider 1961, the year John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, as the cusp of a new post-Baby Boomer cohort. А старина Эйзенхауэр сказал: контроль рождаемости -- не наше дело :)
Fifty years of the Pill: How it freed women from the fear of unwanted pregnancy, but also brought dangers -- немного в стоорону от США, даже Стоупс поминают
By Jenni Murray (Daily Mail)
Which came first, the pill or social revolution? (The Irish Times)
As recently as 1983, Dr Andrew Rynne was fined at Naas District Court for selling 10 condoms to one of his patients over a weekend when the pharmacies were closed. Rynne was the first to be prosecuted under the 1979 Health (Family Planning) Act – Charles Haughey’s “Irish solution to an Irish problem” – which allowed for married couples to be prescribed contraceptives for “bona-fide family planning purposes”. All hypocritical nonsense of course; by 1978, some 48,000 Irish women were already on the pill, according to an Irish Medical Association estimate.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical, Humanae Vitae (reportedly against the advice of a papal commission), and Archbishop John Charles McQuaid (who was equally appalled by tampons) was his willing Irish helper. But neither was it welcomed by “a lot of male members of the medical profession”, says Jones. “I remember doctors who practically blessed themselves when the pill was mentioned . . .”
A countrywoman, now in her 80s, recalls being directed by her renowned Catholic gynaecologist to have no more children after her sixth, as another pregnancy could “kill” her. She asked him what she should do. “Go home to your husband, and live as brother and sister,” he pronounced.
Carl Djerassi, the scientist who synthesised the pill on October 15th 1951, compared the impact of the discovery with the effect the first explosion of an atomic bomb had on many physicists, “overnight converting ivory-tower academics into persons tainted by the societal impact of their research”.
она тоже связывает свободу и ответственность

с некоторыми ссылками, в частности
Fifty years on, 200 million more women need the pill
... in 50 years we are celebrating the demise of this human pesticide known as "the pill." пишет, что пилюля привела к росту разводов, росту внебрачной рождаемости и тому, что традиционная семья стала исключением; к этому же приведёт и ЭКО :)
on Sunday we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth control pill (NYT)-- cтатейко начинается с античных правил предохранения от зачатия (женщина, оттрахавшысь, должна попрыгать, а потом 9 прыжеков назад, мб, в этом что-то есть ???)
btw = The Food and Drug Administration actually gave G.D. Searle the go-ahead to market the first oral contraceptive (not counting bees) on June 23, 1960. But the F.D.A. announced its intention to approve the pill on May 9, which also happens to be Mother’s Day this year and, therefore, too good to resist.
In her 1975 hit single, country star Loretta Lynn sings a victory anthem for the Pill:
You wined me and dined me
When I was your girl
Promised if I'd be your wife
You'd show me the world
But all I've seen of this old world
Is a bed and a doctor bill
I'm tearin' down your brooder house
'Cause now I've got the pill.
from the VoA 50 years after introduction of the Pill, reproductive rights still at stake for women worldwide also mp3 available
Abstinence-only sex education denies young women opportunity to have the knowledge they need to make their own informed decisions... that could help explain why the United States has a higher teen pregnancy rate than any other country in the industrialized world. And this year, for the first time since 1991, that rate is on the rise.
Ability to plan pregnancies transforms lives Times Herald-Record
We know that about 92 percent of women have sexual intercourse before marriage ---> It was the same in 1954 (before the pill) as it is today. >> "Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954-2003" by Lawrence B. Giner, director of Domestic Research at the Guttmacher Insitute << must see
The Pill was the idea of a conservative Catholic nurse, Margaret Sanger, who hoped that it would strengthen marriage, combat poverty, generate happiness, eliminate unwanted pregnancies and even deliver world peace. (
the pill did not spark the sexual revolution. Nor did it cause a sudden drop in the U.S. fertility rate
The pill is America's favorite form of reversible birth control. (Sterilization is the leader overall.) Nearly a third of women who want to prevent unwanted pregnancies use it. "In 2008, Americans spent more than $3.5 billion on birth control pills," says McGill
According to the most recent government data, from 2002, more than eight in 10 American women ages 15 to 44 had taken the pill at some point in their lives.
Despite widespread use of the pill, half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, often conceived by women who were taking an oral contraceptive but missed doses. (оч приличная статейко из какой-то богом забытой news-press) + отл фотка Сэнгер+Маккормик
Fifty years ago this week, the birth control pill hit the market and released women from the fear of pregnancy
the first I heard of the pill was in early 1961 when a student at St John's stood on a chair in the cafeteria, held up a packet of pills and announced she was taking them. She was promptly expelled.
I never wanted to have children. My mother told me that I never spoke about "when I get married" when I was a child. I thought marriage was an odd institution and ritual. I did, however, want to have sex. I was determined not to get pregnant. The first man I slept with used condoms as did the next few.... Switching methods -- from condoms to a diaphragm to pills and finally to sterilization was linked to how I saw myself.. Дальше она оч любопытно пишет о развитии своей сексуальности и ответственности: Sterilization allowed me to completely concentrate on my partner and our pleasure. It was impossible to become pregnant. I said to myself: "This is what men feel like during sex (+ со ссылкой на А Сэнгера: у метери МС было 11 живых рождений и 7 выкидышей)
Washington Post:
Enovid had already been on the market for three years as a treatment for menstrual disorders; its approval as an oral contraceptive marked the first time a medicine would not treat or prevent an illness, but would rather be prescribed to healthy people.
With the new pill, an advertisement claimed, women would be "freed from their chains at last." The ad showed a naked Andromeda, an Ethiopian princess in Greek mythology, bound against a rock as a sacrifice to an angry sea monster. Enovid, the ad suggested, would liberate her from those chains.
It is hailed as one of the 10 greatest public-health accomplishments of the 20th century.
Half of American pregnancies remain unplanned.
Sanger, who went on to found the group that would later become Planned Parenthood, was 80 when the pill was approved, and her grandson Alexander, now chair of International Planned Parenthood, said his grandmother had only one thing to say: "What took so long?"In 1970, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, the typical U.S. woman married at 20 and had her first child at 21. Today, women are having their first child four years later, on average, and they are marrying six years later.
ещё статейка из ВП (оч неплохая)
NewsWeek - Five myths about oral contraceptives.
1: The pill started the sexual revolution.
2: The pill is a women's issue
3: The pill was an immediate boon to single women
4: Male doctors were responsible for the development of the pill
5: The pill provided the single biggest boost to women's health and well being in the 20th century
(CBS) According to a new CBS News Poll, more than half the women of America believe the Pill has made their lives better.
Is it a paradox to wish Happy Birthday to the birth control pill?
A Brief History of Birth Control (TIME line)
It neither ended poverty nor unleashed sexual anarchy, but ‘the pill’ did change America in surprising ways (
Birth control provided a perfect battleground for social changes already afoot in American post-war society, especially the fight for women’s equality and the toppling of monolithic authority figures — chief among these was the Catholic Church, whose own tortured history with the pill is one of the book’s most fascinating sections. Many will be shocked to learn how close the Vatican came to accepting the pill in the early 1960s. In the end, of course, Pope Paul VI sided with the minority of his advisory council (60 of 64 theologians had proposed ending the ban) and affirmed the church’s continued opposition to any form of contraception (save for the rhythm method, which they only approved in 1951).
No medication has come close to the birth control pill in terms of social, political and medical impact. In terms of career opportunities [for women], it's had more of an impact than anything else. The proportion of women pursuing medical careers has gone from about 10 percent to close to 50 percent
in 1961, barely a year after the Pill had been approved, the head of Planned Parenthood in Connecticut was arrested for providing it to women. That case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which, in 1965, ruled that there was a constitutional right for married women to use birth control pills.
It wasn't until 1972 that single women were granted the right to take the Pill.
"Physicians have come to understand that, in many respects, suppressing the ovarian cycle with birth control pills is more natural than having 500 ovulations in a lifetime," said Dr. Steven Goldstein, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City.
Mother Jones.Com ещё одна хронологическая таблица, более полная чем в Тайм + слайдшоу:
John Calvin calls masturbation "monstrous" and withdrawal "doubly monstrous. For this is to extinguish the hope of the race and to kill before he is born the hoped-for offspring."
1869 Pope Pius IX (слева) bans abortion, saying the soul is born at conception. Блаженный Пий IX (лат. Pius PP. IX, итал. Pio Nono) (в миру Джованни Мария, граф Мастаи-Ферретти; 13 мая 1792 — 7 февраля 1878) — римский папа с 16 июня 1846 по 7 февраля 1878. Вошёл в историю как Папа, провозгласивший догмат о Непорочном Зачатии Пресвятой Девы Марии и созвавший I Ватиканский Собор, утвердивший догматически учение о безошибочности Римского первосвященника.
+ причислил к лику святых греко-католического епископа Иосафата Кунцевича, убитого православными Витебска. Понтификат Пия IX — самый продолжительный в истории Римско-католической церкви, после апостола Петра. Он продолжался 31 год, 7 месяцев и 22 дня. Пий IX погребён в римской базилике Сан-Лоренцо-фуори-ле-Мура. В 2000 папа Иоанн Павел II причислил Пия IX к лику блаженных.
Politics Daily:
пилюльные пионеры: Марго, Катя и Карл (далеко не все перечислены)
Historians consider 1961, the year John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, as the cusp of a new post-Baby Boomer cohort. А старина Эйзенхауэр сказал: контроль рождаемости -- не наше дело :)
Fifty years of the Pill: How it freed women from the fear of unwanted pregnancy, but also brought dangers -- немного в стоорону от США, даже Стоупс поминают
By Jenni Murray (Daily Mail)
Which came first, the pill or social revolution? (The Irish Times)
As recently as 1983, Dr Andrew Rynne was fined at Naas District Court for selling 10 condoms to one of his patients over a weekend when the pharmacies were closed. Rynne was the first to be prosecuted under the 1979 Health (Family Planning) Act – Charles Haughey’s “Irish solution to an Irish problem” – which allowed for married couples to be prescribed contraceptives for “bona-fide family planning purposes”. All hypocritical nonsense of course; by 1978, some 48,000 Irish women were already on the pill, according to an Irish Medical Association estimate.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical, Humanae Vitae (reportedly against the advice of a papal commission), and Archbishop John Charles McQuaid (who was equally appalled by tampons) was his willing Irish helper. But neither was it welcomed by “a lot of male members of the medical profession”, says Jones. “I remember doctors who practically blessed themselves when the pill was mentioned . . .”
A countrywoman, now in her 80s, recalls being directed by her renowned Catholic gynaecologist to have no more children after her sixth, as another pregnancy could “kill” her. She asked him what she should do. “Go home to your husband, and live as brother and sister,” he pronounced.
Carl Djerassi, the scientist who synthesised the pill on October 15th 1951, compared the impact of the discovery with the effect the first explosion of an atomic bomb had on many physicists, “overnight converting ivory-tower academics into persons tainted by the societal impact of their research”.
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Борис Денисов
May 13, 2010
two more collections
Register of Her Papers
Prepared by Michael J. McElderry
Manuscript Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C.
Dennett, Mary Ware, 1872-1947. Papers, 1874-1944: A Finding Aid
Suffragist, pacifist, artisan, and advocate of birth control and sex education, Mary Coffin (Ware) Dennett was born on April 4, 1872, in Worcester, Mass., the first daughter and second of four children of George Whitefield and Livonia Coffin (Ames) Ware. She was the niece of Edwin Doak and Lucia (Ames) Mead, two noted Boston social reformers, and the grandniece of Charles Carleton Coffin, historian and war correspondent. When her father, a wool merchant, died in 1882, the family moved to Boston, where she attended public schools before enrolling in Miss Capen's School for Girls in Northampton, Mass.
Prepared by Michael J. McElderry
Manuscript Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C.
Dennett, Mary Ware, 1872-1947. Papers, 1874-1944: A Finding Aid
Suffragist, pacifist, artisan, and advocate of birth control and sex education, Mary Coffin (Ware) Dennett was born on April 4, 1872, in Worcester, Mass., the first daughter and second of four children of George Whitefield and Livonia Coffin (Ames) Ware. She was the niece of Edwin Doak and Lucia (Ames) Mead, two noted Boston social reformers, and the grandniece of Charles Carleton Coffin, historian and war correspondent. When her father, a wool merchant, died in 1882, the family moved to Boston, where she attended public schools before enrolling in Miss Capen's School for Girls in Northampton, Mass.
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Борис Денисов
Margaret Sanger Papers
Restrictions on access: The papers are open to research according to the regulations of the Sophia Smith Collection. However, in order to preserve the original materials, researchers are requested to use the microfilm for those portions of the collection where it's available.
Restrictions on use: Alexander Sanger, as representative of the Sanger family, holds copyright to unpublished works by Margaret Sanger. Permission must be obtained to publish reproductions or quotations beyond "fair use." Copyright to materials created by others may be owned by those individuals or their heirs or assigns. It is the responsibility of the researcher to identify and satisfy the holders of all copyrights. Permission to publish must also be obtained from the Sophia Smith Collection as owners of the physical property.Margaret Sanger Papers
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Sophia Smith Collection,
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Борис Денисов
May 11, 2010
USA: as the pill turns 50, family planning too costly for many
пришло из айпипиэфной рассылки
Washington - on May 9, 1960, the Food and Drug Administration approved oral contraceptives, which changed the lives of generations of women, giving them the choice of when and how to have children.
Five decades later, however, millions of the country's poorest women aren't sharing in the empowerment.
Nearly 59 percent of women who are in need of subsidized family planning nationwide aren't receiving care, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization that works to advance reproductive health, including abortion rights.
"People think you can just go to the corner drugstore and have your needs taken care of," Guttmacher public policy associate Elizabeth Nash said. "Unfortunately, there are lots and lots of men and women who need subsidized care in this respect."
Guttmacher's most recent study was released in 2006, before unemployment skyrocketed and the country sank into a recession. At the time, the national unemployment rate was 4.7 percent, 5 percentage points lower than it is today. Even then, however, 17.5 million women of reproductive age needed assistance paying for contraception, according to Guttmacher.
"We can only predict that new data is going to be worse," said Clare Coleman, the chief executive officer of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, which represents about 90 percent of federally funded family-planning clinics.
As people across the country are losing jobs - and their health insurance - many more women are either turning to Medicaid or engaging in risky behavior.
"Skipping pills is a big phenomenon," Coleman said. "As the recession gets bigger, more people are falling into low income and staying there longer. They may have thought, 'I will be OK because I have six months of pills.' Then they get to the end and don't have a job. They can't afford to get the checkup. Then they start going to less effective methods."
Individual women aren't the only ones who are struggling to find room in their budgets for birth control. States are, too.
Family-planning funding across the country comprises a patchwork of different funding types that can be complicated, confusing and different from state to state.
The state-based options range from private-public partnerships, with providers such as Planned Parenthood, to community health centers and private physicians. However, the most common source of funding for subsidized and no-cost birth control was Medicaid, according to Guttmacher.
One of the most successful family-planning programs in the country is in one of the most financially unstable states. For the past 11 years, California's Family PACT plan has been providing free family-planning services to women who earn less than 200 percent of the national poverty level, which is about $22,000 for a single woman, according to the U.S. census poverty threshold.
"We're serving about 1.8 million Californians today," said Laurie Weaver, the chief of the California health department's Office of Family Planning.
"The cost of the program benefit is about $311 per year per client, but when we did our last survey in 2002, we were saving the state and federal government nearly a billion dollars every two years."
The savings are realized by preventing pregnancies in women who would need financial assistance with prenatal, birthing and postnatal care and, in some instances, treatment for pregnancy complications, Weaver said.
California's system is intended to reduce or eliminate as many barriers to accessing assistance as possible. Not only is its income threshold one of the highest in the country, women also are enrolled and eligible for services on the same day. They can go to walk-in clinics and walk out with their contraceptives.
Still, Guttmacher estimates that only 55 percent of the women who need services in California are receiving them.
That number is good compared with some states, however. In North Carolina, only 35 percent of the women who need help in obtaining birth control receive it.
"The challenge around rural areas is funding and confidentiality," said Paige Johnson, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina.
"You're likely to know someone who is working in your health department. For many people, the fear of being seen or known will prevent them from going to get services."
North Carolina, like California, is one of the 28 states that have waivers that allow them to use federal Medicaid funds to offset the cost of family planning. However, for the past 15 years the state has had an abstinence-only sex-education system.
According to Johnson, the abstinence-only plan wasn't working. Johnson and a bipartisan group of legislators and advocates recently helped pass a comprehensive sex-education plan that will go into effect this fall.
"It took us two years to really help legislators understand that you start with abstinence and you continue with providing medically accurate information," she said.
Untangling family-planning preventive measures from discussions of abortion was a key step, Johnson said. If the two issues become linked and abortion fights grab headlines, family planning gets lost in the outcry.
In the final health care bill that Congress passed, the two issues ultimately were divided, and millions of women soon will have access to the help they need. The Medicaid expansion included in the law will do away with the need for state waivers and patchwork funding systems. Low-income families will have access to the same family-planning options across the country.
While the health care measure may not have had bipartisan support, federally funded family planning does.
"I think more and more Republicans are certainly coming around to saying that we can separate prevention and planning from abortion," said Kellie Ferguson, the executive director of the Republican Majority for Choice, an organization that supports reproductive rights.
"Whether you're pro- or anti-choice, we all want to see the rate and need for abortion to go down."
(The Medill News Service is a Washington program of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.)
Source: 9 May 2010
Author: Kelsey Snell
Washington - on May 9, 1960, the Food and Drug Administration approved oral contraceptives, which changed the lives of generations of women, giving them the choice of when and how to have children.
Five decades later, however, millions of the country's poorest women aren't sharing in the empowerment.
Nearly 59 percent of women who are in need of subsidized family planning nationwide aren't receiving care, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization that works to advance reproductive health, including abortion rights.
"People think you can just go to the corner drugstore and have your needs taken care of," Guttmacher public policy associate Elizabeth Nash said. "Unfortunately, there are lots and lots of men and women who need subsidized care in this respect."
Guttmacher's most recent study was released in 2006, before unemployment skyrocketed and the country sank into a recession. At the time, the national unemployment rate was 4.7 percent, 5 percentage points lower than it is today. Even then, however, 17.5 million women of reproductive age needed assistance paying for contraception, according to Guttmacher.
"We can only predict that new data is going to be worse," said Clare Coleman, the chief executive officer of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, which represents about 90 percent of federally funded family-planning clinics.
As people across the country are losing jobs - and their health insurance - many more women are either turning to Medicaid or engaging in risky behavior.
"Skipping pills is a big phenomenon," Coleman said. "As the recession gets bigger, more people are falling into low income and staying there longer. They may have thought, 'I will be OK because I have six months of pills.' Then they get to the end and don't have a job. They can't afford to get the checkup. Then they start going to less effective methods."
Individual women aren't the only ones who are struggling to find room in their budgets for birth control. States are, too.
Family-planning funding across the country comprises a patchwork of different funding types that can be complicated, confusing and different from state to state.
The state-based options range from private-public partnerships, with providers such as Planned Parenthood, to community health centers and private physicians. However, the most common source of funding for subsidized and no-cost birth control was Medicaid, according to Guttmacher.
One of the most successful family-planning programs in the country is in one of the most financially unstable states. For the past 11 years, California's Family PACT plan has been providing free family-planning services to women who earn less than 200 percent of the national poverty level, which is about $22,000 for a single woman, according to the U.S. census poverty threshold.
"We're serving about 1.8 million Californians today," said Laurie Weaver, the chief of the California health department's Office of Family Planning.
"The cost of the program benefit is about $311 per year per client, but when we did our last survey in 2002, we were saving the state and federal government nearly a billion dollars every two years."
The savings are realized by preventing pregnancies in women who would need financial assistance with prenatal, birthing and postnatal care and, in some instances, treatment for pregnancy complications, Weaver said.
California's system is intended to reduce or eliminate as many barriers to accessing assistance as possible. Not only is its income threshold one of the highest in the country, women also are enrolled and eligible for services on the same day. They can go to walk-in clinics and walk out with their contraceptives.
Still, Guttmacher estimates that only 55 percent of the women who need services in California are receiving them.
That number is good compared with some states, however. In North Carolina, only 35 percent of the women who need help in obtaining birth control receive it.
"The challenge around rural areas is funding and confidentiality," said Paige Johnson, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina.
"You're likely to know someone who is working in your health department. For many people, the fear of being seen or known will prevent them from going to get services."
North Carolina, like California, is one of the 28 states that have waivers that allow them to use federal Medicaid funds to offset the cost of family planning. However, for the past 15 years the state has had an abstinence-only sex-education system.
According to Johnson, the abstinence-only plan wasn't working. Johnson and a bipartisan group of legislators and advocates recently helped pass a comprehensive sex-education plan that will go into effect this fall.
"It took us two years to really help legislators understand that you start with abstinence and you continue with providing medically accurate information," she said.
Untangling family-planning preventive measures from discussions of abortion was a key step, Johnson said. If the two issues become linked and abortion fights grab headlines, family planning gets lost in the outcry.
In the final health care bill that Congress passed, the two issues ultimately were divided, and millions of women soon will have access to the help they need. The Medicaid expansion included in the law will do away with the need for state waivers and patchwork funding systems. Low-income families will have access to the same family-planning options across the country.
While the health care measure may not have had bipartisan support, federally funded family planning does.
"I think more and more Republicans are certainly coming around to saying that we can separate prevention and planning from abortion," said Kellie Ferguson, the executive director of the Republican Majority for Choice, an organization that supports reproductive rights.
"Whether you're pro- or anti-choice, we all want to see the rate and need for abortion to go down."
(The Medill News Service is a Washington program of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.)
Source: 9 May 2010
Author: Kelsey Snell
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