February 14, 2010

PP does not target minorities

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself, a longtime supporter of Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement: "There is striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger's early efforts ... Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her."

The real issue is disparities in health-care access, something the African-American community experiences across the country

Suggesting that the Women's Right to Know Act [what is this?] would help reduce abortion in the African-American community is insulting. That implies that women of color are incapable of or unable to make this very personal, difficult decision. In reality, this bill is designed to shame women, to intimidate them when they are in a vulnerable situation. That's not health care, and I definitely cannot equate it to the comprehensive, compassionate options counseling - which includes our adoption services and access to prenatal care - that is provided to every woman facing an unintended pregnancy at a Planned Parenthood center.

We cannot continue to allow myths about family planning to be presented as fact.

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